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21: Backend Project
Day one milestone objectives
Work as a team to design the models for you application on a whiteboard
You should have at least two more models than your team member count
Number your models in the order that they need to be built
Choose the two most important non auth models to be your MVP
Work as a team to designe the routes for you application on a whiteboard
Setup travis-ci continuous integration and heroku continuous deployment
Write the auth layer of your application
Day two milestone objectives
Build your two MVP models with routes and 90% code coverage
If you achieve 90% code coverage for routes of a model start on a streach model
Day three milestone objectives
Build your two stretch models with routes and 90% code coverage
If you achieve 90% code coverage for routes of a model start on another streach model
Day four milestone objectives
Finsh any loose ends
Write doumentation for all features of your application
Pratice your presintation
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