Talk for FOSS4G NA 2016:
Since its establishment in 2011 through MoU between OSGeo and the International Cartographic Association (ICA) the global network of academic Open Source Geospatial laboratories has reached over 100 members from all continents. ISPRS joined the initiative in 2014. This session describes the mission of the initiative, its current activities and infrastructure and explains the simple process of joining the network. Examples of lab collaborations and contributions to open source geospatial projects will provide inspiration for others to participate.
- Helena Mitasova [North Carolina State University]
To build the presentation slides with instructions:
./ title.html template-slides.html plain-slides.html math-slides.html build-slides.html
The open the file index.html
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the first clone and build pages:
cd geo4all
Do your changes, build to a build directory:
Review the changes, add the changes, commit and push:
git add -A git commit -am "new colors for the website" git push
Get the gh-pages branch for publishing (clones into the build directory):
Publish (uses the gh-pages branch):
Presentation is using on Reveal.js HTML Presentation Framework.