#django 01. Learn python django form scratch
Para agregar autenticación con google/twitter/facebook: https://artandlogic.com/2014/04/tutorial-adding-facebooktwittergoogle-authentication-to-a-django-application/
Registro y acceso: http://www.tangowithdjango.com/book17/chapters/login_redux.html
- commit tema 13.Add social auth
- agregar readme
- agregar info a readme
- quitado directorio idea
- quitado directorio idea
- agregados cambios a gitignore
- agregados cambios a gitignore
- Refactored base template, include background image in static files di…
- Add bootstrap module, refacto base templates, add static files
- 15.01.commit tema 15.01
- 15.02.commit tema 15.02 db
- 15.02.commit tema 15.02 db
- 19. Static File Compression and Template Refactoring
- 23. Preparing the storeFront
- Update README.md
- 24.01.Revisión login/logout y base.
- 24.02.Add models, views, templates and URLs for shopping cart.
- 25. PayPal Integration
- 26.01. Stripe Integration & PayPal revision
- 26.02. Stripe Integration. no funciona.
- Merge branch 'master'
- 30. Add file upload for book cover in admin site
- 30.02. Add files to git
- 31.Working with Forms
- 32.00 Advanced Emailing
- 32.01 Advanced Emailing
- 36. mapas, hace falta una key del api de google y no funciona bien: h…
- 37.Advanced Map Usage, ya fnciona el mapa pero peta al ratod e mostra…
- 41.Building a Web Service ith TastyPie
- 41.Building a Web Service ith TastyPie
- 42.Django Signals
- 43.Debug ToolBar
- 44.Unit Test
- 48.Logging.