CenterHMR is a bottom-up single-shot network for real-time multi-person 3D mesh recovery from a single image It achieves ECCV 2020 3DPW Challenge Runner Up. Please refer to arxiv paper for the details!
2020/11/26: Upload a new version that contains optimization for person-person occlusion. Small changes for video support.
2020/9/11: Real-time webcam demo using local/remote server. Please refer to for details.
2020/9/4: Google Colab demo. Predicted results would be saved to a npy file per imag, please refer to for details.
Before installation, you can take a few minutes to try the prepared Google Colab demo a try.
It allows you to run the project in the cloud, free of charge.
Directly download the full-packed released package from github, latest version v0.1.
Clone the repo:
git clone --depth 1
Then download the CenterHMR data from Github release, Google drive or Baidu Drive with password 6hye
Unzip the downloaded under the root CenterHMR/.
cd CenterHMR/
The layout would be
- demo
- models
- src
- trained_models
Please intall the Pytorch 1.6 from the official website. We have tested the code on Ubuntu and Centos using Pytorch 1.6 only.
Install packages:
cd CenterHMR/src
sh scripts/
Please refer to the for unpleasant bugs. Feel free to submit the issues for related bugs.
Currently, the released code is used to re-implement demo results. Only 1-2G GPU memory is needed.
To do this you just need to run
cd CenterHMR/src
# if there are any bugs about shell script, please consider run the following command instead:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python core/ --gpu=0 --configs_yml=configs/basic_test.yml
Results will be saved in CenterHMR/demo/images_results.
You can also run the code on random internet images via putting the images under CenterHMR/demo/images before running sh
Or please refer to for detail configurations.
Please refer to for saving the estimated mesh/Center maps/parameters dict.
You can also run the code on random internet videos.
To do this you just need to firstly change the input_video_path in src/configs/basic_test_video.yml to /path/to/your/video. For example, set
video_or_frame: True
input_video_path: '../demo/sample_video.mp4' # None
then run
cd CenterHMR/src
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python core/ --gpu=0 --configs_yml=configs/basic_test_video.yml
Results will be displayed on your screen.
We also provide the webcam demo code, which can run at real-time on a 1070Ti GPU / remote server.
Currently, limited by the visualization pipeline, the webcam visulization code only support the single-person mesh.
To do this you just need to run
cd CenterHMR/src
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python core/ --gpu=0 --configs_yml=configs/basic_webcam.yml
# or please set the TEST_MODE=0 WEBCAM_MODE=1 in, then run
Press Up/Down to end the demo. Pelease refer to for setting mesh color or camera id.
If you wish to run webcam demo using remote server, pelease refer to
To test FPS of CenterHMR on your devices, please set configs/basic_test.yml as below
save_visualization_on_img: False
demo_image_folder: '../demo/videos/Messi_1'
then run
cd CenterHMR/src
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python core/ --gpu=0 --configs_yml=configs/basic_test.yml
The code will be gradually open sourced according to:
- the schedule
- demo code for internet images / videos / webcam
- runtime optimization
- benchmark evaluation
- training
Please considering citing
title = {CenterHMR: Multi-Person Center-based Human Mesh Recovery},
author = {Yu, Sun and Qian, Bao and Wu, Liu and Yili, Fu and Black, Michael J. and Tao, Mei},
booktitle = {arxiv:2008.12272},
month = {August},
year = {2020}
We thank Peng Cheng for his constructive comments on Center map training.
Here are some great resources we benefit:
- SMPL models and layer is borrowed from MPII SMPL-X model.
- Webcam pipeline is borrowed from minimal-hand.
- Some functions are borrowed from HMR-pytorch.
- Some functions for data augmentation are borrowed from SPIN.
- Synthetic occlusion is borrowed from synthetic-occlusion
- The evaluation code of 3DPW dataset is brought from 3dpw-eval.
- For fair comparison, the GT annotations of 3DPW dataset are brought from VIBE