hackthebox finish all easy boxes and do some pro labs (last is more for fun)
make sure to be able to go though every box on TJ nulls list
Tiberius priv escalation course (Linux and windows)
make sure to write good notes and writeups (also publish them on git pages for further reference)
read though a pdf and video course similar to oscp
have a decent Kali machine setup and prepared
what is tiberius privilege escalation course
SQL truncation attack , adding things to the row whicjh is longer than what is required and adding a row
things one can try in a site:
Looking for SQLi in all the forms.
Looking for XSS in all the forms.
Looking for any kind of XSRF vulnerabilities in the various GETs and POSTs.
XSS for file read
<script>x=new XMLHttpRequest;x.onload=function(){document.write(this.responseText)};"GET","file:///etc/passwd");x.send();</script>
after getting in we can get ssh key
and root had a logrotate exploit