A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Google's Flutter ecosystem.
Inspired by;
- Essentials
- Widgets
- Packages
- Popular Packages
- Development Setup
- Application Hosting
- Application Deployment
- Code Snippets
- Articles, Tutorials, Blogs, etc.
- Tutorial Series
- Videos
- Conferences
- Books
- Starter Projects
- Open Source Projects
- Codebases for Reference
- Content Management Systems
- Podcasts
- Community
- Jobs
- Hosted Development Tools
- Miscellaneous
- Flutter (Documentation)
- Flutter Github
- Dart Language
- Gitter Community
- Flutter for React Native Devs
- Tour of Dart Language
- Flutter Rocks
- Flutter-io @ Medium
- Zero to one with Flutter @ Medium
- Planets-Flutter: From design to app
- Flutter routes and Navigation @ Medium
- Translating App from RN to Flutter
- How to build a Simple App in Under an Hour From Scratch @ Medium
- Creating medium’s clap animation in flutter
- Build your own plugin for flutter
- Flutter, ListView and GridView with TabBar
- Getting Your Hands Dirty with Flutter: Basic Animations
- Pinterest-Style Photo Grids
- Forms in Flutter
- Login Form Animation
- Animating Appbar like Instagram
- Dynamic Home Page
- Bubble tab indicator for TabBar
- Input widgets
- Building a snapchat-like interface in Flutter
- Flutter Layouts Walkthrough: Row, Column, Stack, Expanded, Padding
- Localization tutorial
- BoxDecoration Cheat Sheet
- How to dynamically change the theme in Flutter
- Simple Milky Way animation with Flutter
- Bottom Modal Sheets
- Launching Flutter Task Listing App Theme
- Restaurant animation with Flutter
- Text & Barcode Scanner App with Firebase ML Kit
- Steppers and Form in Flutter
- Easily navigate through your Flutter code by separating view and view-model
- Creating draggable scrollbar
- Animations in Flutter
- Swipe for more action widget
- Beautiful List UI and Detail page
- Displaying Dynamic Contents using ListView.builder
- Unit and Widget Tests in Depth
- Mapbox and Polylines
- Flutter Crush
- Flutter Challenge: Egg Timer UI @ Medium
- Flutter Challenge: Hidden Drawer Menu @ Medium
- Flutter Challenge: Weather Forecast with Rain @ Medium
- Flutter Challenge: Feature Discovery
- Flutter Challenge: Card Flip Carousel
- Flutter Challenge: Tinder Matching
- Flutter Challenge: Radial Menu
- Building a Music Player App
- Building a Complete App From Scratch ▶
- Building your first Flutter Widget
Found an awesome package, blog, course or video? Send me a pull request!
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
- Use the following format for links: [Resource](URL)
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome
Awesome Flutter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.