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Java SDK for Nervos CKB.

The ckb-sdk-java is still under development and NOT production ready. You should get familiar with CKB transaction structure and RPC before using it.

Note: All RPC methods in the indexer module have been deprecated since CKB version v0.36.0 and they have been removed in the CKB version of v0.40.0. We strongly recommend migrating to the ckb-indexer as soon as possible. You can refer to the examples of the ckb-indexer in this project.


  • Java 8
  • Gradle 5.0 or later


Install from repositories:

version <= 0.24.0
  • Maven
  • Gradle
implementation 'org.nervos.ckb:core:{version}'
version >= 0.24.1
  • Maven
  • Gradle
implementation 'org.nervos.ckb:ckb:{version}'
version >= 0.43.0
  • Maven
  • Gradle
implementation 'org.nervos.ckb-api:ckb:{version}'

Install manually

You can generate the jar and import manually.

git clone

cd ckb-sdk-java

gradle shadowJar  // ./gradlew shadowJar 
version <= 0.24.0

A console-{version}-all.jar package will be generated in console/build/libs, which you can put into your project to develop with it.

version >= 0.24.1

A ckb-sdk-{version}-all.jar package will be generated in ckb-sdk/build/libs, which you can put into your project to develop with it.

If you don't want to generate the jar by yourself, you can download a build from releases.

Import Jar to Project

When you need to import ckb-java-sdk dependency to your project, you can add the console-{version}-all.jar or ckb-sdk-{version}-all.jar to your project libs package.

If you use Java IDE (eg. IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse or other Editors), you can import jar according to IDE option help documents.






2. Mercury RPC

Mercury RPC doc


  1. get_balance example
  2. get_block_info example
  3. get_transaction_info example
  4. query_transactions example
  5. register_addresses example
  6. build_transfer_transaction example
  7. build_transfer_transaction by action example
  8. build_transfer_transaction by source example
  9. build_transfer_transaction by normal address example1
  10. build_transfer_transaction by normal address example2
  11. build_transfer_transaction by normal address example3
  12. build_adjust_account_transaction example
  13. build_asset_collection_transaction example
  14. fee_rate example
  15. build_smart_transaction example

3. ckb-indexer RPC

ckb-indexer RPC doc


  1. get_tip example
  2. get_cells example
  3. get_cells_capacity example
  4. get_transactions example
  5. filter example

Single-sig Transfer

Note: If you want to run transfer example, you should update example private key of sender whose balance is not zero. And if you want to use example default private key to run, you should make the example sender's balance is not zero or set the blake160 of default sender's public key to CKB dev chain node configuration file to be a miner.

SingleSigWithCkbIndexerTxExample provides sendCapacity method with any amount inputs which belong to a private key.

MultiKeySingleSigTxExample provides sendCapacity method with any amount inputs which belong to any amount private keys.

You can reference detail example in example/

  Api api=new Api("your-ckb-node-url");

        List<CellInput> inputs=Arrays.asList(
        new CellInput(inputs1), // Input from address 'cktxxx', capacity 100 CKB
        new CellInput(inputs2), // Input from address 'cktxxx', capacity 200 CKB
        new CellInput(inputs3), // Input from address 'cktxxx', capacity 300 CKB

        List<CellOutput> outputs=Arrays.asList(
        output1, // Output to address 'cktxxx', capacity 200
        output2, // Output to address 'cktxxx', capacity 300
        output3, // Output to address 'cktxxx' as change, capacity 100

        TransactionBuilder txBuilder=new TransactionBuilder(api);

        SignatureBuilder signBuilder=new SignatureBuilder(txBuilder.buildTx());

        // A script group is defined as scripts that share the same hash.
        for(ScriptGroup scriptGroup:scriptGroups){

        String hash=api.sendTransaction(signBuilder.buildTx());

Multi-sig Transfer

Note: If you want to run transfer example, you should update example private key of sender whose balance is not zero. And if you want to use example default private key to run, you should make the example sender's balance is not zero or set the blake160 of default sender's public key to CKB dev chain node configuration file to be a miner.

SendToMultiSigAddressTxExample provides sendCapacity method which single-sig address sends capacity to 2/3 format multi-sig address.

MultiSignTransactionExample provides sendCapacity method which 2/3 format multi-sig address sends capacity to single-sig address.

SUDT Issue and Transfer

Note: If you want to run transfer example, you should update example private key of sender whose balance is not zero. And if you want to use example default private key to run, you should make the example sender's balance is not zero or set the blake160 of default sender's public key to CKB dev chain node configuration file to be a miner.

SUDTExample provides issue and transfer methods to issue Simple UDT and transfer Simple UDT to other address.

ACP Create and Transfer

Note: If you want to run transfer example, you should update example private key of sender whose balance is not zero. And if you want to use example default private key to run, you should make the example sender's balance is not zero or set the blake160 of default sender's public key to CKB dev chain node configuration file to be a miner.

ACPTransactionExample provides create and transfer methods to create an ACP cell with SUDT and transfer CKB and SUDT to the ACP address.


You can generate ckb address through this SDK as below:

// Generate mainnet address with SECP256K1 and public blake160 hash
String publicKey=
        Script script=
        new Script(
        String address=AddressGenerator.generate(Network.MAINNET,script);


We use Google Java Code Format and follow Google Checkstyle for development.

If verifyGoogleJavaFormat FAILED happens when you build this project, please format your code with Google Java Code Format or execute ./gradlew goJF on macOS and Linux, or gradlew goJF on Windows.

If you use IntelliJ IDEA to develop, you can install google-java-format plugin to format code automatically.


The SDK is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


See CHANGELOG for more information.