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Editing the Documentation Site

The Turing site is broken into two different folder structures:

  • docs/src contains all the content of the site. This is where any markdown (.md) file is located. When the site is built, the files in this directory are run through Documenter, as well as some Turing-specific pre and postprocessing to get LaTeX and YAML headers correct. The folder structure here mimics that of docs/site.
  • docs/assets, docs/_data, docs/_includes, docs/_layouts, docs/pages, and docs/_search contain anything related to the structure and appearance of the website. You can find all the webpage formatting, site configuration, and navigation configuration files here.

Should you need to add a new document to the documentation section or the tutorials section, this needs to be changed in the file docs/_data/toc.yml.

Building the Documentation Site Locally

The documentation site is built by Travis and served from the gh-pages branch of this repo. If you wish to edit the website locally and review your changes, you will need to do the following:

  1. Install Jekyll by following the relevant guide for your operating system.

  2. Install Julia by following the relevant guide.

  3. Navigate in a terminal to Turing.jl/docs/. Run julia make.jl, then you'll get a _docs folder full of documents. A _tutorials folder is also copied from the Turing Tutorial Repo. You might need to install Documenter and DocumenterMarkdown first. You can install these packages by running julia -e 'using Pkg;Pkg.add("Documenter");Pkg.add("DocumenterMarkdown");Pkg.add("DynamicHMC");Pkg.add("Turing");'.

  4. Type bundle exec jekyll serve if you wish to review the changes in a browser. Typically the website will be served on localhost:4000, which you can visit in your browser.

  5. Alternatively, if you simply want to build the site files into a static site, you can use bundle exec jekyll build.

The files in _docs/ may be out of date with the website. If this is the case, execute the make.jl script found at Turing.jl/docs/make.jl, which will run all the documents in the docs/src folder through a markdown processor and place them into the docs/_docs/ folder. Any files located in the docs/_docs/ or docs/_tutorials/ directories should not be edited directly, as they will be overwritten by the versions in the docs/src/ directory. Edits must be made to the docs/src/ versions.

MacOS Notes

Under MacOS one might need to install the following additional gems's to have jekyll running as descibed above.

gem install jekyll-paginate
gem install jekyll-sitemap
gem install jekyll-gist
gem install jekyll-feed
gem install jemoji

Note: I guess these packages should be installed automatically, but were not in my case.