- Install Jmeter
- Tenant-Load-From-SaaS-Boost.jmx will get tenant urls from SaaS Boost and hit the different end points of the application
- To run from command line execute command first get the PUBLIC API URL for SaaS Boost from the console by logging into SaaS Boost and going to Settings
- Use that API URL (without the https and the /v1) along with the user name and password for SaaS Boost in this command:
jmeter -n -t "Tenant-Load-From-SaaS-Boost.jmx" -JAPI_URL=<public_api_url> -JSAAS_BOOST_USER=<user> -JSAAS_BOOST_PASSWORD=<password> For Example: jmeter -n -t "Tenant-Load-From-SaaS-Boost.jmx" -JAPI_URL=0123456789.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com -JSAAS_BOOST_USER=admin -JSAAS_BOOST_PASSWORD=your_password
- If you want to run more threads or take a look at the test plan open it up in Jmeter GUI.
- To run load against specific tenants, use Tenant-Load-From-URL-File.jmx
- First modify the tenant-urls.txt file with the tenant URLs to test against
- Run jmeter from commmand in the directory where the tenant-urls.txt is located:
jmeter -n -t "Tenant-Load-From-URL-File.jmx"