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Executing Validations

OpenAPIKit provides a small set of validations that are not covered by the type system. You can run these with

let document = OpenAPI.Document(...)
try document.validate()

If validation fails, document.validate() will throw a ValidationErrorCollection value. ValidationErrorCollection is a Swift.Error that holds all of the validation errors that occurred. You can access the individual validation errors with its values property.

Each element of the ValdiationErrorCollection values property is a ValidationError. Each ValidationError in turn offers you a reason (String) for the failure and the codingPath ([CodingKey]) where the failure occurred.

You can also get a codingPathString if you want a convenient string representation of the coding path.

let document = OpenAPI.Document(...)
do {
    try document.validate()
} catch let errors as ValidationErrors {
    for error in errors {
        print("occurred at \(error.codingPathString)")
} catch let error {
    // probably an `EncodingError` if we get here. If the document cannot be successfully encoded, it is not valid.

Adding Validations

There are a few built-in validations you can add that are not actually spelled out by the OpenAPI Specification. For example, you might want to assert that your document should contain at least one OpenAPI.PathItem. This is not a default validation because the OpenAPI Specification allows omitting PathItems for security reasons depending upon the authorization of a person looking at the documentation.

You can add a check for at least one PathItem with

let document = OpenAPI.Document(...)
let validator = Validator()


try document.validate(using: validator)

You can chain validation additions together. For example, we can check that the document contains at least one path and all paths contain at least one operation (GET, POST, etc.) and all operations contain at least one response with

try document.validate(using: Validator()

You can find all such built-in validations in Validation+Builtins.swift -- just keep in mind that some of the validations indicate that they are already included by default; adding these again will run them twice!

Creating New Validations

There are two ways to define validations:

  1. Using the various validating() helper methods on the Validatior.
  2. Creating values of the Validation type.

The first approach is usually more concise for light-weight validations. The second approach is more verbose but it offers cleaner support for single validations producing more than one error and provides opportunities to compose validations together. In either case, the context of a validation is (a) the entire OpenAPI.Document, (b) the value being validated (we'll call this the "subject"), and (c) the coding path of the value being validated.

Important: Validation is based on the same crawling of the OpenAPI.Document structure as is performed when encoding the document (for example, to JSON or YAML). Because of this, the Swift types that can be used as a basis for validation must be types that are asked to encode themselves in the normal course of encoding a document. For the most part, you can assume that types in the OpenAPI namespace fit this description whereas types not in the OpenAPI namespace do not. All types that can be validated are marked with the Validatable protocol, so you can't actually write validations against types that won't be hit.

For example, OpenAPI.PathItem is a type that can be validated against whereas DereferencedPathItem is not. There are a small number of surprising side-effects of this setup:

  1. URLs are explicitly encoded as String and therefore you cannot write a validation that operates on all URLs; You can validate all Strings and that validation will be called against urls, or more likely you will write your validation against the type containing a URL (like an OpenAPI.Server).
  2. Dictionary keys are not technically encoded directly (they are used as the String-typed keys of keyed-containers during encoding) so types like OpenAPI.Path and OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode cannot be the subjects of validations -- again, you can still operate on these values during validation by creating validations against the types containing those dictionaries.


The simplest possible validations are equalities and inequalities. Such validations can usually be expressed using a KeyPath syntax starting with any OpenAPIKit type and the property being checked followed by the appropriate equality or inequality.

I'll call this the "Subject KeyPath syntax" because the type of the root of the KeyPath is the "subject" of the validation context.

To assert that the version of the OpenAPI Document is 3.0.0 we could write

   "Using OpenAPI v 3.0.0",
   check: \OpenAPI.Document.openAPIVersion == .v3_0_0

Just to immediately demystify this, the equivalent validation expressed as a closure is

    "Using OpenAPI v 3.0.0",
    check: { (context: ValidationContext<OpenAPI.Document>) in context.subject.openAPIVersion == .v3_0_0 }

Notice that when using the closure we are operating on the whole context and we must drill into the subject which is the part of the context implicitly used by the Subject KeyPath syntax.

We could assert that all server arrays in the document have more than 1 element as follows

   "All server arrays have more than 1 server",
    check: \[OpenAPI.Server].count > 1

Or target just the server arrays on OpenAPI.PathItems.

   "All Path Items have at least one server",
    check: \OpenAPI.PathItem.servers.count >= 1

If we want to stay more light-weight than the full (ValidationContext<T>) -> Bool closure but we need to do something more involved (like call functions on the subject), the take() function will pull a value by KeyPath and pass it to a closure for us.

    "All servers have URLs containing the word 'prod'",
    check: take(\OpenAPI.Server.urlTemplate.absoluteString) { $0.contains("prod") }

We can assign predicates to validations to make the validation logic only apply to some values of the given subject type.

For example, we could assert that any time a server list contains a server with our test server URL, we expect there to be at least two servers listed.

    "At least two servers are specified if one of them is the test server.",
    check: \[OpenAPI.Server].count >= 2,
    when: { context in { $0.urlTemplate.absoluteString }.contains("")

Predicates passed to the Validator.validating() method have the same signature as the validation check functions and indeed can take advantage of all the same KeyPath syntax.

Context KeyPaths

A Context KeyPath is a KeyPath originating at the ValidationContext which means it has access to the document (the entire OpenAPI Document), codingPath (the location of the current value), and subject (the value being validated).

As long as something in the validating() method call (either the check or the when clause) provides a hint to the compiler as to the type of value being validated, either clause is free to use context KeyPaths to build predicates or validation logic based on parts of the context other than the subject.

For example, the following validation is on a \.subject of type String so the predicate is free to only reference the \.codingPath. It's a silly example, but it shows one way you can apply validations to Specification Extensions.

    "x-string is always 'hello'",
    check: \.subject == "hello",
    when: \.codingPath.last?.stringValue == "x-string"

If the syntax is making your head hurt a bit, take a look at the same validation with fully qualified KeyPaths:

    "x-string is always 'hello'",
    check: \ValidationContext<String>.subject == "hello",
    when: \ValidationContext<String>.codingPath.last?.stringValue == "x-string"

In the second example the verbosity hurts the visual flow a bit but it is more obvious that the check is going to run any time the Validator finds a String but before it tests whether the subject (the String in question) is equal to "hello" it is going to check that the last component of the coding path is "x-string" and skip the validation if not.

Logical Combinations

Any two individually valid arguments to check or when can be combined using && (logical AND) or || (logical OR).

For example

    "Operations must contain a status code 500 or there must be two possible responses",
    check: take(\OpenAPI.Response.Map.keys) { $0.contains(500) }
        || \.count == 2  // \OpenAPI.Response.Map.count == 2

The Validation Type

The Validation type defines a validation. Each validation is specialized on one particular type that it applies to (a subject type). For example, the .pathsContainOperations validation applies to OpenAPI.PathItem. When the Validator is validating an OpenAPI Document it will run the validation any time that type is encountered anywhere in the Document.

You create a new validation by specifying a check to perform on values and optionally a predicate that needs to return true for any value the check should be performed on. If you don't specify a predicate, the check is run for all values of the type the Validation is specialized for.

Let's start unpacking Validation by looking at an incomplete construction of a validation:

let validation = Validation<String>(
    check: { context -> [ValidationError] in ... },
    when: { context -> Bool in ... }

The context passed to both the check and when clause is a struct containing the entire OpenAPI Document (.document), the current coding path (.codingPath), and the value being validated (.subject).

The function passed as the check must return an array of ValidationErrors (or an empty array if validation passes). The function passed as the when argument must return a Bool (true means the value should be checked, false means it should be skipped).

To bring back a silly example from the above section, maybe we want to assert that any time our OpenAPI Document contains a Specification Extension named "x-string" we want the extension to contain the String value "hello":

let validation = Validation<String>(
    check: { context in
        guard context.subject == "hello" else {
            return [ ValidationError(reason: "x-string needs to be 'hello'", at: context.codingPath) ]
        return []
    when: { context in context.codingPath.last?.stringValue == "x-string" }

Because we return an array of errors from our validate function when constructing a Validation in this way, we don't have access to the same KeyPath helpers we used in the previous section. We can, however, use those helpers for our predicate.

Here's the same example with a slightly more concise when clause that uses a Context KeyPath.

let validation = Validation<String>(
    check: { context in
        guard context.subject == "hello" else {
            return [ ValidationError(reason: "x-string needs to be 'hello'", at: context.codingPath) ]
        return []
    when: \.codingPath.last?.stringValue == "x-string"

We can get the most concise syntax when we only need to produce a single error from our Validation (as is the case in the example above). In that case, the construction can look identical to those in the previous section on the validating() method except for the description argument label being spelled out now.

Note that in this example we can drop the explicit <String> specialization because the compiler can infer it.

let validation = Validation(
    description: "x-string is 'hello'",
    check: \.subject == "hello",
    when: \.codingPath.last?.stringValue == "x-string"

Naturally, you can also define the validate and predicate functions elsewhere:

let validate: (ValidationContext<String>) -> [ValidationError] = ...
let predicate: (ValidationContext<String>) -> Bool = ...

let validation = Validation(check: validate, when: predicate)
Validation Composition

Validations can be applied as part of other validations. You can use a parent validation context to gate child validations based on a shared when clause, drill into a parent context within the check clause, and reuse child validations in multiple parent validations.

Let's say you want to assert that all requests and responses are offered as JSON. You might be tempted to write the following validation:

let allRoutesOfferJSON = Validation(
    description: "All content maps have JSON members.",
    check: \OpenAPI.Content.Map[.json] != nil

Unfortunately, now you are also asserting that the content map that can be associated with OpenAPI.Parameter offers a JSON option; that might be ok, but it is definitely not the stated goal.

We could add a when clause that looks at the context's codingPath to determine whether the current context is a parameter, a request, or a response, but that's going to get cumbersome fast.

Instead, let's compose the content map validation with a validation that only runs against OpenAPI.Response. Then we will do the same thing with a validation that only runs against OpenAPI.Request. We need a new tool for this. The lift() function will let us use a KeyPath to map the current context to a new context and then run a validation in that new context.

// we use the same `allRoutesOfferJSON` defined in the previous code example.

let requestRoutesOfferJSON = Validation(
    check: lift(\OpenAPI.Request.content, into: allRoutesOfferJSON)

let responseRoutesOfferJSON = Validation(
    check: lift(\OpenAPI.Response.content, into: allRoutesOfferJSON)

try document.validate(using: Validator()

Notice we are using the Validation initializer that does not take a description for the parent validations. These validations can potentially produce any of the errors of their children validations but because they don't themselves represent one distinct potential error there is no description associated with them.

lift() takes a variadic list of any number of validations, so if we had an allRoutesOfferXML validation as well then we could write

lift(\OpenAPI.Response.content, into: allRoutesOfferJSON, allRoutesOfferXML)

lift() does have its limitations, though. One you'll hit pretty quickly is that you can't use any optional chaining in your KeyPath if you are lifting into a validation that expects a non-optional subject. This is actually a good thing -- we must be explicit about whether or not to error out if the optional unwrapping results in nil.

Let's try to lift a response's JSON content into a validation that operates on content:

let contentValidation = Validation<OpenAPI.Content>(...)

let contentMapValidator = Validation(
    check: lift(\OpenAPI.Content.Map[.json], into: contentValidation)
    // ^ compile-time error about the KeyPath pointing at `OpenAPI.Content?` instead of `OpenAPI.Content`.

Instead, we must use the unwrap() function. It operates similarly to lift() except if it encounters nil it will produce a ValidationError.

let contentValidation = Validation<OpenAPI.Content>(...)

let contentMapValidator = Validation(
    check: unwrap(\OpenAPI.Content.Map[.json], into: contentValidation)
    // ^ if unwrapping non-nil value, will produce validation errors produced by `contentValidation`.
    //   if unwrapping nil, will produce a validation error about the subject being nil.

That leaves the question of how to specify that the unwrap should not fail if it hits an optional. It turns out, we already have a good way to be explicit about skipping over nils instead of trying to unwrap them: A when clause.

let contentValidation = Validation<OpenAPI.Content>(...)

let contentMapValidator = Validation(
    check: unwrap(\OpenAPI.Content.Map[.json], into: contentValidation),
    when: \OpenAPI.Content.Map[.json] != nil

If you want to use a keypath to get from one context to another where there is potentially a JSON Reference between, it can be handy to use the lookup() function. The lookup() function takes a keypath that ends in an Either<JSONReference<T>, T> and lifts a validation context with a subject of T into any other validations you want to run. There is also an unwrapAndLookup() helper for keypaths that produce optional either references (Either<JSONReference<T>, T>?).

Lastly, OpenAPIKit offers the all() function that will combine any number of Validations in the current context (as opposed to lift(), unwrap(), and others which take you from one context to another).

let passwordValid1 = Validation<String>(...)
let passwordValid2 = Validation<String>(...)

let passwordValid = Validation<String>(
    check: all(passwordValid1, passwordValid2)

A "Real" Example

Let's put this all together to form a slightly more realistic example of fully operational code (could be copy/pasted into a Swift project or playground with access to OpenAPIKit).

The pretend scenario is: We need to verify that, no matter how many endpoints we add to the API we are documenting, all POST resource requests contain a 'name' property and all POST resource responses contain both a 'name' and and 'id'.

First, let's establish some test material so we can visualize what we are checking.

A Valid OpenAPI Document
let createRequest = OpenAPI.Request(
   content: [
       .json: .init(
           schema: .object(
               properties: [
                   "name": .string,
                   "classification": .string(allowedValues: "big", "small")
                   // ^ request resource has 'name'

let successCreateResponse = OpenAPI.Response(
   description: "Created Widget",
   content: [
       .json: .init(
           schema: .object(
               properties: [
                   "id": .integer,
                   "name": .string,
                   "classification": .string(allowedValues: "big", "small")
                   // ^ response resource has 'name' and 'id'

let document = OpenAPI.Document(
   info: .init(title: "test", version: "1.0"),
   servers: [],
   paths: [
       "/widget/create": .init(
           post: .init(
               requestBody: createRequest,
               responses: [
                   201: .response(successCreateResponse)
   components: .noComponents
An Invalid OpenAPI Document
// should fail in three ways:
// 1. No `name` in request schema
// 2. No `name` in response schema
// 3. No `id` in response schema

let createRequest = OpenAPI.Request(
   content: [
       .json: .init(
           schema: .object(
               properties: [
                   "classification": .string(allowedValues: "big", "small")
                   // ^ request resource does not have 'name'

let successCreateResponse = OpenAPI.Response(
   description: "Created Widget",
   content: [
       .json: .init(
           schema: .object(
               properties: [
                   "classification": .string(allowedValues: "big", "small")
                   // response resource does not have 'name' or 'id'

let document = OpenAPI.Document(
   info: .init(title: "test", version: "1.0"),
   servers: [],
   paths: [
       "/widget/create": .init(
           post: .init(
               requestBody: createRequest,
               responses: [
                   201: .response(successCreateResponse)
   components: .noComponents
Validation Code
// First, we define two validators that dig into
// JSON schemas looking for the 'name' or 'id'
// properties and verifying those properties are of
// the correct type.
// Notice that these validators don't actually care
// about their context because we will isolate parts of
// the OpenAPI document to validate with their parent
// validations.
let resourceContainsName = Validation<JSONSchema>(
   description: "All JSON resources must have a String name",
   check: take(\.subject) { schema in
       guard case let .object(_, objectContext) = schema,
           let nameProperty =["name"] else {
               return false
       return nameProperty.jsonTypeFormat?.jsonType == .string

let responseResourceContainsId = Validation<JSONSchema>(
   description: "All JSON response resources must have an Id",
   check: take(\.subject) { schema in
       guard case let .object(_, objectContext) = schema,
           let idProperty =["id"] else {
               return false
       return idProperty.jsonTypeFormat?.jsonType == .integer

// Now we create a validation that runs for all requests that
// have non-nil JSON schemas inlined within them. We use a `when`
// clause to skip over any requests that do not have such schemas
// without error.
let requestBodyContainsName = Validation(
   check: unwrap(\.content[.json]?.schema?.schemaValue, into: resourceContainsName),

   when: \OpenAPI.Request.content[.json]?.schema?.schemaValue != nil

// Similarly, we check JSON response schemas. This time we check
// for both a 'name' and an 'id'.
let responseBodyContainsNameAndId = Validation(
   check: unwrap(\.content[.json]?.schema?.schemaValue, into: resourceContainsName, responseResourceContainsId),

   when: \OpenAPI.Response.content[.json]?.schema?.schemaValue != nil

// We are specifically looking only at 201 ("created") status code
// responses in this example so we create another parent context
// validation for responses (_requests_ are not broken down by _response_
// status code (obviously) so this step is not needed for requests).
// Notice we do not use a `when` clause here because we want the check
// to run even when the subject is `nil` so it will produce an error
// if we find a POST operation that does not define a `201` status
// response. We also give this unwrap call a description that we want
// used in the creation of an error message if the validation does find
// a missing `201` response definition.
let successResponseBodyContainsNameAndId = Validation(
   check: unwrap(
       \OpenAPI.Response.Map[status: 201]?.responseValue,
       into: responseBodyContainsNameAndId,
       description: "201 status response value"

// The last validation we create operates on POST operations of
// path items. We use two separate `unwrap()` calls because we
// want to run child validations against both the request body
// and the responses.
let postRequestAndResponsesAreValid = Validation(
    check: unwrap(
        into: requestBodyContainsName
    && unwrap(
        into: successResponseBodyContainsNameAndId

    when: \OpenAPI.PathItem[.post] != nil

// Finally, we can create our Validator and add the POST validation. 
// The various child validations not directly added below are not strictly 
// necessary and could have been written into the logic of their parent
// validtions. Doing so would have meant replacing small composable validations
// with large validations containing a lot of logic in their `check` or `when`
// clauses.
let validator = Validator()

try document.validate(using: validator)