This project is a helpdesk implementation based on the SAFE stack framework for the nfdi4plants/DataPLANT organisation. Some of it's features are:
- Full keyboard support, through nested dropdowns.
- Setting title with entry url query.
- dotnet native and fully customizable image captcha logic.
- Writing input to Microsoft Teams planner tasks.
title: DataPLANT Helpdesk
showSequenceNumbers: true
actor User
participant Frontend
participant Backend
participant MSTeams
Note over Frontend,Backend: SAFE stack
User ->> Frontend: Fill Form
User ->> Frontend: Write Captcha
Frontend ->> Backend: Verify Captcha
Backend ->> Frontend: Confirm Captcha
User ->> Frontend: Submit
Frontend ->> Backend: Submit
Backend->>MSTeams: Send to task planner
create actor DataStewards
MSTeams ->> DataStewards : Notify
DataStewards --) DataStewards: Distribute to correct member
Backend ->> Frontend: Confirm successful submit
Frontend ->> User: Confirm successful submit
link Frontend: Page @
link Frontend: React @
link Frontend: ProgrammingLanguage (F#, Fable) @
link Backend: aspnetcore @
link Backend: ProgrammingLanguage (F#) @
You'll need to install the following pre-requisites in order to build SAFE applications
- .NET Core SDK 6.0 or higher
- Node LTS
Before you run the project for the first time only you must install dotnet "local tools" with this command:
dotnet tool restore
To concurrently run the server and the client components in watch mode use the following command:
dotnet run
Then open http://localhost:8080
in your browser.
The build project in root directory contains a couple of different build targets. You can specify them after --
(target name is case-insensitive).
Install localtunnel
npm install -g localtunnel
Open port on localtunnel api
lt --port 8080
Tests not implemented
To run concurrently server and client tests in watch mode (you can run this command in parallel to the previous one in new terminal):
dotnet run -- RunTests
Start docker then use:
dotnet run docker-publish
Step by step
- Create image
docker build -t nfdi-helpdesk .
- Test image
docker run -it -p 8085:8085 nfdi-helpdesk
- Create tag for image
docker tag nfdi-helpdesk:latest freymaurer/nfdi-helpdesk:X.X.X
Remember to replace "X.X.X" with the correct next SemVer version.
- Push the image
docker push freymaurer/nfdi-helpdesk:X.X.X
Add fonts as itemgroup to Server.fsproj as such:
<Content Update="Fonts\arial.ttf">
<Content Update="Fonts\times.ttf">
<Content Update="Fonts\verdana.ttf">
If you want to know more about the full Azure Stack and all of it's components (including Azure) visit the official SAFE documentation.
You will find more documentation about the used F# components at the following places: