Iceberg is a well-designed, eye-friendly, dark blue color scheme for Vim and Neovim.
See the official site or the vimonline page for more information.
- Simple: no configuration required and easy to use
- Fast: pre-compiled to reduce loading time
- 256-colors terminal support
- airline theme and lightline colorscheme
- Various plugins support: ALE / CtrlP / Denite / EasyMotion / Git Gutter / Signify / Sneak / Startify / Syntastic / vim-plug / vim-zenspace etc.
- Better syntax highlight with: typescript-vim / vim-flow / vim-graphql / vim-javavscript / vim-markdown etc.
- Neovim terminal colors support
Creator of Iceberg talked about how to create your lovely color scheme in VimConf 2017, international Vim conference. This slides also explained the philosophy of Iceberg.
- profile by cocopon
- iTerm2 by aseom
- Atom by cocopon
- Xcode by cocopon
- AppCode by Kuniwak
- Fish by pkazmier
- bumblebee-status by Aaron
NOTE: provides configuration files for the 16 ANSI colors for many terminal emulators. Use .Xresources file as import and export it for the emulator of your choice.
NOTE: This section is for color scheme developers. If you just want to use the color scheme, you don't have to follow these steps.
Install cocopon/pgmnt.vim, a template engine for Vim color scheme, to your Vim.
To modify a color palette, edit
. If you make changes, be sure to:source
this file before step 4 otherwise your color palette changes will not be reflected. -
To modify highlighting groups or links, edit
. -
After editing, compile the source file as below:
:e src/iceberg.vim :cd %:h :source %
Compiled files will be output into
MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.