Bravura Solutions
- Gurguram
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ng2906/
- @n_g_29
Python Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2019 -
Data-Structures-And-Algorithms-Hacktoberfest18 Public
Forked from yshshrm/Data-Structures-And-Algorithms-Hacktoberfest18List of data structures and algorithms. Feel free to contribute under Hacktoberfest '18!
C++ UpdatedOct 1, 2019 -
coding-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedOct 18, 2018 -
Hacktoberfest-2018 Public
Forked from rishabh-malik/Hacktoberfest-2018A simple code repository for algorithms in various languages.
SportProgramming Public
Forked from manuchandel/SportProgrammingJust practice and lots of coding stuff
C++ UpdatedMay 25, 2018 -
edXLogoData Public
Forked from gitter-badger/edXLogoDataA repository probably containing all the edX institutions logo. ❤️❤️❤️
MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2017 -
openebs Public
Forked from openebs/openebsOpenEBS is containerized block storage written in Go for cloud native and other environments w/ per container (or pod) QoS SLAs, tiering and replica policies across AZs and environments, and predic…
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 18, 2017 -
maya Public
Forked from openebs-archive/mayaOpenEBS storage orchestrator and infrastructure management engine, extending K8S and other to enable containerized storage for containers.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 16, 2017 -
programming Public
Forked from hacktoberfest17/programmingCode a program in a language of your choice.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 16, 2017 -
al-go-rithms Public
Forked from ZoranPandovski/al-go-rithms🎵 Algorithms written in different programming languages - https://zoranpandovski.github.io/al-go-rithms/
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2017 -
Interview-Bit Public
Forked from royalpranjal/Interview-BitSolutions to problems on Interview Bit
algorithms Public
Forked from pirataspinhal/algorithms🍣 #hacktoberfest - Implementations of fundamental algorithms and data structures studied during computer science undergraduate course
fraudriskmanagement Public
Forked from metalheadani/fraudriskmanagementBuilt for Vihaan 2k17
HTML UpdatedOct 28, 2017 -
C-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms Public
Forked from rishabh-bansal/C-Data-Structures-and-AlgorithmsC++ Data Structures and Algorithms
Hacktoberfest-Mathematics Public
Forked from BaReinhard/Hacktoberfest-MathematicsMath is fun so let's make some scripts and or programs that use some of your favorite math formulas and functions.
Hacktoberfest-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms Public
Forked from BaReinhard/Hacktoberfest-Data-Structure-and-AlgorithmsA repo to contains data structure s and algorithms, regardless of language.
docs Public
Forked from sendgrid/docsIt's Hacktoberfest!! SendGrid is giving out shirts if you make pull requests!
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2017 -
algos Public
Forked from iiitv/algosPopular Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in popular languages
Data-Structures-Algorithms Public
Forked from CodersForLife/Data-Structures-AlgorithmsYour personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter
C++ UpdatedOct 24, 2017 -
cosmos Public
Forked from OpenGenus/cosmos[Show ❤️ love by 🌟] Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 20, 2017 -
Awesome-Data-Structures Public
Forked from hackerkid/Awesome-Data-StructuresC++ implementation of basic data structures and algorithms
C++ Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedOct 19, 2017 -
ProCookbook Public
Forked from Chaitya62/ProCookbookAll the Famous algorithms you need!
C++ UpdatedOct 11, 2017