A webpage detailing information on the Spiel Des Jahres based in Germany for boardgames along with winners and nominees.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/nghian95/spiel_des_jahres
Live Demo of the website (only fully works if your local is running CORS-Anywhere): https://nghian95.github.io/spiel_des_jahres/
This website uses Bootstrap 3.4.1 through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to style the divs and navigation bar. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/
It implements the BGG_XML_API2 to retrieve data from the popular board website boardgamegeek.com. The API specifications can be found below: https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/BGG_XML_API2
Implemented the BGG_XML_API2 through CORS-Anywhere as the BGG_XML_API2 doesn't support a cross-domain request so we have to mirror server-side access. Followed this tutorial for the installation of CORS-Anywhere and code to send GET requests to BGG_XML_API2: http://www.tayloraliss.com/bggapi
The project uses HTML, CSS & JavaScript. These files are located under their respective folders: views, style and javascript.
On the home page of the Spiel des Jahres website, it provides basic info on the awards and the 2022 Spiel das Jahres winner and nominees. At the top of each page, there's a navigation bar that you can use to access different awards and their winners, nominees and recommendations throughout the years. There's also a search bar that you can use to search for a specific game and it'll provide a list of board game results and their respective boardgamegeek links.
*Drop down menu - (filtering?) *web fonts *include videos and GIFs *regex validation *5 different css selectors *check form of collections are used *maybe create a named function. have an anonymous function to listen to events currently. *(Optional) Pagination for Search Results