Releases: nginx/agent
Releases · nginx/agent
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- feat: introducing security monitoring feature in NGINX Agent by @mohamed-gougam in #84
- Async nginx config reload by @dhurley in #70
- Metrics rest endpoint by @aphralG in #112
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Updated selinux policy by @dhurley in #59
- Fixed how access/error log metrics are updated when the nginx config changes by @dhurley in #42
- fix: error from payload by @nickchen in #60
- fix: Adds Support For NAP 3.12 by @wicklander-bryant in #61
- Fix close all open file descriptors by @Dean-Coakley in #66
- FreeBSD/Alpine: Create run dir. Create owner. Add user to group by @Dean-Coakley in #51
- Cert file outside allowed directory in aux content by @aphralG in #72
- Fix agent rollback does not delete created dirs by @Dean-Coakley in #63
- fix: return nil for certs outside allowed directory by @nickchen in #77
- Fix use StrictUnmarshal for app protect yaml unmarshalling by @Dean-Coakley in #76
- Fix empty metric reports by @aphralG in #82
- fix: Adds Support For NAP 3.12.2 by @wicklander-bryant in #90
- fixed advanced metrics by @oliveromahony in #98
- fix: remove explicit nap version mapping by @nickchen in #102
- fix: polish and fix various items for security monitor by @sanathkumarbs in #93
- Fix race conditions by @aphralG in #96
- fix: use lower case for all severity values by @sanathkumarbs in #106
- fix: safe parsing for access request log and violation log by @sanathkumarbs in #109
- fix: split subviolations and tc by comma by @sanathkumarbs in #110
- Handle nginx instance with no config args by @dhurley in #105
- Fixed race conditions found during testing by @dhurley in #103
- Fixed ARM support for DEB & APK packages by @dhurley in #121
- fixed metrics by @oliveromahony in #127
- Fix arch of apk packages by @Dean-Coakley in #138
- fix: check if app_protect_metadata's nap version is empty first. by @yluf5 in #144
- fix: detect nginx upgrade by @nickchen in #145
- Fix packaging config for 2.20 by @oliveromahony in #150
📝 Documentation
- readme consolidation by @oCHRISo in #19
- Upgrade go version to v1.19 by @Dean-Coakley in #97
- Add instance list rest api by @Dean-Coakley in #101
- Add agent api example with prometheus and grafana by @dhurley in #118
- Added config for mTLS in API server by @oliveromahony in #117
- Updated, and OSS Docs Structure by @mtbChef in #124
- Clean up some files by @dhurley in #125
- Updating grafana example README by @craigell in #128
🔨 Maintenance
- removed the unused variable in the counting by @oliveromahony in #71
- Updated DataplaneStatus to include new field AgentActivityStatus by @dhurley in #53
⬆️ Dependencies
- missing dependencies for tests by @oliveromahony in #62
- Proto updates by @oliveromahony in #68
- client config version via configuration file by @oliveromahony in #67
- remove key directive by @oliveromahony in #64
- Move wg to lock by @oliveromahony in #81
- Snapshot version for local package by @oliveromahony in #88
- Create nap symlink by @wicklander-bryant in #89
- Renamed comms.go to metric_sender.go by @dhurley in #94
- Dont report sec updates by @wicklander-bryant in #91
- bump deps by @oliveromahony in #100
- Added new DataplaneSoftwareDetailsUpdated topic by @dhurley in #95
- Agent startup by @oliveromahony in #108
- Update swap.go to only log once on startup if swap metrics can't be collected by @dhurley in #107
- Change install log location and restrict permissions by @Dean-Coakley in #74
- added new proto changes for preventing a config apply and reporting NAP Health by @oliveromahony in #116
- Added check for empty reports by @oliveromahony in #114
- Add copyright header to source files by @dhurley in #122
- Block config apply by @oliveromahony in #131
New Contributors
- @nickchen made their first contribution in #60
- @wicklander-bryant made their first contribution in #61
- @oCHRISo made their first contribution in #19
- @yluf5 made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: v2.19.0...v2.20.0
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- feat: Upload nginx configs if nginx-config feature is enabled by @nkashiv in #29
- features missing defaults by @oliveromahony in #43
- fix: move proto namespace to github/agent by @sanathkumarbs in #47
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix tagging for releases by @dhurley in #38
- Fix nginx-agent shutdown by @Dean-Coakley in #44
- Fix advanced metrics performance test by @Dean-Coakley in #45
- Fix Failing Component Tests by @aphralG in #54
📝 Documentation
- Change advanced metrics socket default location by @Dean-Coakley in #32
🔨 Maintenance
- tidying of install scripts by @oliveromahony in #35
- Changing extension back to pkg instead of txz for freebsd packages by @dhurley in #50
⬆️ Dependencies
New Contributors
- @nkashiv made their first contribution in #29
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #36
- @Dean-Coakley made their first contribution in #32
- @aphralG made their first contribution in #54
Full Changelog: v2.18.0...v2.19.0
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- added features key to config to list features for NGINX Agent by @oliveromahony in #21
- feat: new NMS ACM dimensions for advanced metrics by @vrmare in #24
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fixing certs to be seeded by sha256 by @oliveromahony in #26
- Fix release workflow by @dhurley in #33
🔨 Maintenance
- Updated unstable unit tests by @dhurley in #23
- Add release branch workflow by @dhurley in #30
- Moved packaging logic into a different Makefile by @dhurley in #34
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.17.0...v2.18.0