Lavamusic is a Discord music bot that uses Discord.js, Shoukaku, and TypeScript.
Invite Lavamusic
Report Bug & Request Feature
- User-friendly and Easy to Use
- Highly Configurable
- Customizable Prefix
- Multilingual support
- Hybrid Command Handling (Slash and Normal Commands)
- Developed using TypeScript and Discord.js v14
- Advanced Music System
- Powerful Search Engine
- 12 + Music Filters
- 24/7 Music Playback
- Playlist commands
- Music channel system
Note: You need to install the plugins to use these sources
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
- (Required Plugin)
To Setup a Lavalink server on Windows, Linux, or Replit, Click Here.
Need Help with plugins? Join our Discord Server and ask for help in the #support
Before starting with the installation, you need to have the following:
- Optional (For MongoDB database)
- Optional (For PostgreSQL database)
- Optional (For Docker Installation)
- Optional (For Docker Installation)
- Clone the Lavamusic repository:
git clone
- Change to the Lavamusic directory:
cd lavamusic
- Install the required packages:
npm i
- Set up your environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory of your project with the following variables: or you can use the .env.example file
TOKEN= "" # Your bot token.
CLIENT_ID= "" # Your bot's client ID (If this value is left blank, bots cannot be invited using /invite or /about commands.).
PREFIX= "!" # Your prefix.
OWNER_IDS= ["",""] # Your discord id (You can add multiple ids.).
GUILD_ID= "" # Your server ID (If you want to use the bot for a single server).
PRODUCTION= "true" # true for production.
TOPGG= "" # Your API key. Obtain this from
KEEP_ALIVE= "false" # true for keep alive in
LOG_CHANNEL_ID= "" # If you enter this, you will be able to receive the status of Lavalink nodes and guild join/leave logs through the corresponding channel.
LOG_COMMANDS_ID= "" # The channel ID where command usage logs will be sent.
BOT_STATUS= "online" # Your bot status (online, dnd, idle, invisible or offline).
BOT_ACTIVITY_TYPE= 0 # Activity type is a number from 0 to 5. See more here:
BOT_ACTIVITY= "Lavamusic" # Your bot activity.
DATABASE_URL= "" # Your database url (If you want to use sqlite, then you can leave it blank.).
AUTO_NODE= "false" # true for auto node. It is given from lavainfo-api (
LAVALINK_URL= "localhost:2333" # Your Lavalink url (If auto node is true, then you can leave it blank).
LAVALINK_AUTH= "youshallnotpass" # Your Lavalink password (If auto node is true, then you can leave it blank.).
LAVALINK_NAME= "Lavamusic" # Your Lavalink name (If auto node is true, then you can leave it blank.).
LAVALINK_SECURE= "false" # true for secure Lavalink (If auto node is true, then you can leave it blank.).
MAX_PLAYLIST_SIZE= "100" # Max playlist size.
MAX_QUEUE_SIZE= "100" # Max queue size.
- Generate the Prisma client:
npm run db:push
- Run the migrations (Only if you want to migrate your database)
npm run db:migrate
- Run the bot:
If you are using Windows, click run.bat on Windows explorer.
npm start
- Invite the bot to your server:
Generate an invite link for your bot and invite it to your server using the Discord Developer Portal or using Permissions Calculator.
This section assumes you have Docker and Docker Compose installed and running correctly. Download the docker-compose.yml file in a separate folder like lavamusic. Edit docker-compose.yml and make sure to set the following variables: Your .env file should look like this or you can use the .env.example file.
TOKEN="." # Your bot token and remember, don't show everyone your bot token
PREFIX="!" # Your prefix
OWNER_IDS=["859640640640640640","859640640640640640"] # Your discord id, you can add multiple ids
GUILD_ID="859640640640640640" # Your server ID (if you want to use it for a single server)
PRODUCTION="true" # "true" for production
For more information how to fill all the variables go to this page. You do not need to edit anything like the LAVA_LINK_URL, LAVA_LINK_AUTH, LAVA_LINK_NAME, LAVA_LINK_SECURE, DATABASE_URL, and the ports unless you know what you're doing. After saving your changes you can open a terminal and go to the same location as the docker-compose.yml file. Then run the following:
docker-compose up -d
The above command will start all your services and your bot should be up and running! To update, you only have to type the following:
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build -d
image prune -f
You can automate this by using Watchtower. The following should be sufficient:
docker run --detach \
--name watchtower \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--restart on-failure \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup
Do note that the bot will restart itself to update to the latest!
A tutorial has been uploaded on YouTube. Watch it by clicking here.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Lavamusic! Here are some guidelines to follow when contributing:
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Write clean and concise code that follows the established coding style.
- Create detailed and thorough documentation for any new features or changes.
- Write and run tests for your code.
- Submit a pull request with your changes. Your contribution will be reviewed by the project maintainers, and any necessary feedback or changes will be discussed with you. We appreciate your help in making Lavamusic better!
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See for more information.