The Show Callout sample draws a callout on a MapView and manages its behavior. A callout displays an Android View that contains text and/or other content. It has a leader that points to the location the callout refers to.
- ArcGISMap
- MapView
- Callout
The pattern demonstrates how to show location coordinates on a MapView
using a Callout
. The sample converts screen coordinates to location coordinates to show the location of the callout. The content of the callout is created programmatically by an Android TextView
// create a textview for the callout
TextView calloutContent = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
// format coordinates to 4 decimal places
calloutContent.setText("Lat: " + String.format("%.4f", wgs84Point.getY()) +
", Lon: " + String.format("%.4f", wgs84Point.getX()));
// get callout, set content and show
mCallout = mMapView.getCallout();
// center on tapped point