A library for parsing and querying CSV data with Spark SQL.
This library requires Spark 1.3+
You can link against this library in your program at the following coordiates:
groupId: com.databricks
artifactId: spark-csv_2.10
version: 1.0.0
The spark-csv assembly jar file can also be added to a Spark using the --jars
command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:
$ bin/spark-shell --jars spark-csv-assembly-1.0.0.jar
These examples use a CSV file available for download here:
$ wget https://github.com/databricks/spark-csv/raw/master/src/test/resources/cars.csv
You can use the library by loading the implicits from com.databricks.spark.csv._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import com.databricks.spark.csv._
val cars = sqlContext.csvFile("cars.csv")
CSV data can be queried in pure SQL by registering the data as a (temporary) table.
USING com.databricks.spark.csv
OPTIONS (path "cars.csv", header "true")
You can also specify column names and types in DDL.
CREATE TABLE cars (yearMade double, carMake string, carModel string, comments string, blank string)
USING com.databricks.spark.csv
OPTIONS (path "cars.csv", header "true")
CSV files can be read using functions in JavaCsvParser.
import com.databricks.spark.csv.JavaCsvParser;
DataFrame cars = (new JavaCsvParser()).withUseHeader(true).csvFile(sqlContext, "cars.csv");
You can save your DataFrame using saveAsCsvFile
function. The function allows you to specify the delimiter and whether we should generate a header row for the table (each header has name C$i
where $i
is column index). For example:
myDataFrame.saveAsCsvFile("/mydir", Map("delimiter" -> "|", "header" -> "true"))
This library is built with SBT, which is automatically downloaded by the included shell script. To build a JAR file simply run sbt/sbt assembly
from the project root.