A module to install Jetty and configure the service. This module has been highly inspired on maestroweb/jetty module
### Minimal setup
class { '::jetty':
version => '9.2.20.v20161216',
class { '::jetty':
root => '/opt',
base => '/opt/web/base',
version => '9.2.20.v20161216',
service_ensure => 'running',
manage_user => true,
user => 'jettyuser',
group => 'jettygroup',
mirror => 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/',
archive_type => 'tar.gz',
checksum_type => 'sha1',
jetty_arguments => 'jetty.some_option=some_value'
java => '/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51/bin/java',
java_options => '-Xms128M -Xmx1G -Djvm_key=jvm_value',
This is a puppet 4 module, the recomendation is to use the binding capabilities of this puppet version. First configure in your hiera hierarchy the options that you want to setup
jetty::root: '/opt'
jetty::base: '/opt/web/base'
jetty::version: '9.2.20.v20161216'
jetty::service_ensure: 'running'
jetty::manage_user: true
jetty::user: 'jettyuser'
jetty::group: 'jettygroup'
jetty::mirror: 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/'
jetty::archive_type: 'tar.gz'
jetty::checksum_type: 'sha1'
jetty_arguments: 'jetty.some_option=some_value'
jetty::java: '/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51/bin/java'
jetty::java_options: '-Xms128M -Xmx1G -Djvm_key=jvm_value
Then you only need to include the class in your profile class
include '::jetty'
### For a complete customization for the start.ini config file.
You must include an additional parameter in the manifest called configuration, which is an optional Hash, in the form:
jetty::root: '/opt',
jetty::base: '/opt/web/base'
jetty::version: '9.2.20.v20161216'
jetty::service_ensure: 'running'
jetty::manage_user: true
jetty::user: 'jettyuser'
jetty::group: 'jettygroup'
jetty::mirror: 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/'
jetty::archive_type: 'tar.gz'
jetty::checksum_type: 'sha1'
jetty_arguments: 'jetty.some_option=some_value'
jetty::java: '/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51/bin/java'
jetty::java_options: '-Xms128M -Xmx1G -Djvm_key=jvm_value'
threads.min: 10
threads.max: 20
threads.timeout: 60000
jetty.output.buffer.size: 32768
jetty.request.header.size: 8192
jetty.response.header.size: 8192
jetty.send.server.version: false
jetty.send.date.header: false
jetty.dump.start: false
jetty.dump.stop: false
jetty.delayDispatchUntilContent: false
jetty.deploy.monitoredDirName: webapps
jetty.port: 8081
http.timeout: 30000
http.soLingerTime: -1
http.selectors: 1
http.acceptors: 1
http.acceptorPriorityDelta: 0