This is the repo that contains the source files for the Loop Docs site.
To suggest changes, fork this repository, edit the files, and submit your changes as a pull request.
To preview your work as you edit you must set up two python packages that are used to create this site using MkDocs. They are mkdocs
, and mkdocs-bootswatch
Review Properly Installing Python for help getting Python installed. MkDocs works with Python 2.7, 3.3-3.6, and pypy.
- Install python modules
$ cd <loopdocs project location>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Or, install modules individually
$ pip install mkdocs<0.17
$ pip install mkdocs-bootswatch==0.4.0
- Run mkdocs server locally
$ cd <loopdocs project location>
$ mkdocs serve
- Preview docs in browser. Most changes will update automatically as you edit. Configuration and navigation changes will require restarting the mkdocs server.
- Optionally, you can share the preview with others by uploading them to your repository's
$ mkdocs gh-deploy
- Use images for clarity whenever appropriate
Admonitions are a markdown extension that enable formatted blocks for visually calling out information. The types are: note, info, warning, and danger. Here are some examples of how to write the markdown:
!!! note
This admonition uses the default title: 'Note'.
!!! info "My Custom Title"
This admonition is blue and has a custom title.
!!! warning ""
This admonition is yellow and has no title.