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.. currentmodule:: pandas

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

.. ipython:: python

   from datetime import datetime
   import numpy as np
   from pandas import *
   randn = np.random.randn
   randint = np.random.randint
   np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
   from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
   from pandas.tseries.api import *
   from pandas.tseries.offsets import *
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Migrating from scikits.timeseries to pandas >= 0.8.0

Starting with pandas 0.8.0, users of scikits.timeseries should have all of the features that they need to migrate their code to use pandas. Portions of the scikits.timeseries codebase for implementing calendar logic and timespan frequency conversions (but not resampling, that has all been implemented from scratch from the ground up) have been ported to the pandas codebase.

The scikits.timeseries notions of Date and DateArray are responsible for implementing calendar logic:

In [16]: dt = ts.Date('Q', '1984Q3')

# sic
In [17]: dt
Out[17]: <Q-DEC : 1984Q1>

In [18]: dt.asfreq('D', 'start')
Out[18]: <D : 01-Jan-1984>

In [19]: dt.asfreq('D', 'end')
Out[19]: <D : 31-Mar-1984>

In [20]: dt + 3
Out[20]: <Q-DEC : 1984Q4>

Date and DateArray from scikits.timeseries have been reincarnated in pandas Period and PeriodIndex:

.. ipython:: python

   pnow('D')  #
   Period(year=2007, month=3, day=15, freq='D')
   p = Period('1984Q3')
   p.asfreq('D', 'start')
   p.asfreq('D', 'end')
   (p + 3).asfreq('T') + 6 * 60 + 30
   rng = period_range('1990', '2010', freq='A')
   rng.asfreq('B', 'end') - 3

scikits.timeseries pandas Notes
Date Period A span of time, from yearly through to secondly
DateArray PeriodIndex An array of timespans
convert resample Frequency conversion in scikits.timeseries
convert_to_annual pivot_annual currently supports up to daily frequency, see :issue:`736`

PeriodIndex / DateArray properties and functions

The scikits.timeseries DateArray had a number of information properties. Here are the pandas equivalents:

scikits.timeseries pandas Notes
get_steps np.diff(idx.values)  
has_missing_dates not idx.is_full  
is_full idx.is_full  
is_valid idx.is_monotonic and idx.is_unique  
is_chronological is_monotonic  
arr.sort_chronologically() idx.order()  

Frequency conversion

Frequency conversion is implemented using the resample method on TimeSeries and DataFrame objects (multiple time series). resample also works on panels (3D). Here is some code that resamples daily data to montly with scikits.timeseries:

.. ipython:: python

   import scikits.timeseries as ts
   data = ts.time_series(np.random.randn(50), start_date='Jan-2000', freq='M')
   data.convert('A', func=np.mean)

Here is the equivalent pandas code:

.. ipython:: python

   rng = period_range('Jan-2000', periods=50, freq='M')
   data = Series(np.random.randn(50), index=rng)
   data.resample('A', how=np.mean)


Much of the plotting functionality of scikits.timeseries has been ported and adopted to pandas's data structures. For example:

.. ipython:: python

   rng = period_range('1987Q2', periods=10, freq='Q-DEC')
   data = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=rng)

   @savefig skts_ts_plot.png width=4.5in
   plt.figure(); data.plot()

Converting to and from period format

Use the to_timestamp and to_period instance methods.

Treatment of missing data

Unlike scikits.timeseries, pandas data structures are not based on NumPy's MaskedArray object. Missing data is represented as NaN in numerical arrays and either as None or NaN in non-numerical arrays. Implementing a version of pandas's data structures that use MaskedArray is possible but would require the involvement of a dedicated maintainer. Active pandas developers are not interested in this.

Resampling with timestamps and periods

resample has a kind argument which allows you to resample time series with a DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex:

.. ipython:: python

   rng = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=200, freq='D')
   data = Series(np.random.randn(200), index=rng)
   data.resample('M', kind='period')

Similarly, resampling from periods to timestamps is possible with an optional interval ('start' or 'end') convention:

.. ipython:: python

   rng = period_range('Jan-2000', periods=50, freq='M')
   data = Series(np.random.randn(50), index=rng)
   resampled = data.resample('A', kind='timestamp', convention='end')