- An-Motors and HCS101 keeloq emulation
- FAAC SLH/Spa counter fix, now it uses 20-bits
- Keeloq increased hold duration
- OFW: Update bad_usb_script.c to fix incorrect ALT key
- OFW: SubGhz: add new keeloq protocols (IronLogic, Comunello, Sommer(fsk476), Normstahl, KEY, EcoStar, Gibidi, Mutancode)
- OFW: Better crash handling
- OFW: ibutton, Infrared, LFRFID GUI fixes
- OFW: Log MFC nonces for use with mfkey32v2
- OFW: IR: increase raw timings amount
- OFW: Move files from /int to /ext on SD mount
- OFW: Embedded arm-none-eabi toolchain (+ fixed - fbt.cmd runs submodule update anyways ignoring FBT_NO_SYNC)