sr_watch: You can use sr_watch to watch a directory for incoming partition files (.Part) from sr_subscribe or sr_sender, both have the ability to send a file in partitions. In the config file for sr_watch the important parameters to include are:
- path <path of directory to watch>
- on_part /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarra/plugins/
- accept *.Part
- accept_unmatch False # Makes it only acccept the pattern above
Part_File_Assemble (plugin): This plugin is an on_part plugin which triggers the assembly code in sr_file
sr_file: Contains the reassembly code... The algorithm is described below
After being triggered by a downloaded part file:
if the target_file doesn't exist:
if the downloaded part file was the first partition (Part 0):
- create a new empty target_file
find which partition number needs to be inserted next (i)
while i < total blocks:
- inserts the part file into target file and computes checksum of the inserted portion
verify insertion by comparing checksums of partition file and inserted block in the file
delete file if okay, otherwise retry
trigger on_file
Create an sr_watch config file according to the template above
Start the process by typing the following command: `sr_watch foreground path/to/config_file.cfg`
Then create a subcriber config file and include `inplace off`
so the file will be downloaded in parts
Start the subscriber by typring `sr_subscribe foreground path/to/config_file.cfg`
Now, you must send post messages of the file for the subscriber
for example: `./ -pb amqp://tsource@localhost/ -pbu sftp://<user>@localhost/ -p /home/<user>/test_file -px xs_tsource --blocksize 12M`