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sando-rs/contract license

Gas optimized sando contract written in Huff to make use unconventional gas optimizations.

Why not Yul? Yul does not give access to the stack or jump instructions.

Gas Optimizations

JUMPDEST Function Sig

Instead of reserving 4 bytes for a function selector, store a JUMPDEST in the first byte of calldata and jump to it at the beginning of execution. Doing so allows us to jump to the code range 0x00-0xFF, fill range with place holder JUMPDEST that point to location of function body.


#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {

Encoding WETH Value Using tx.value

When dealing with WETH amounts, the amount is encoded by first dividing the value by 0x100000000, and setting the divided value as tx.value when calling the contract. The contract then multiplies tx.value by 0x100000000 to get the original amount.

Encoding Other Token Value Using 5 Bytes Of Calldata

When dealing with the other token amount, the values can range significantlly depending on token decimal and total supply. To account for full range, we encode by fitting the value into 4 bytes of calldata plus a byte shift. To decode, we byteshift the 4bytes to the left.

We use byteshifts instead of bitshifts because we perform a byteshift by storing the 4bytes in memory N bytes to the left of its memory slot.

However, instead of encoding the byteshift into our calldata, we encode the offset in memory such that when the 4bytes are stored, it will be N bytes from the left of its storage slot.

Hardcoded values

Weth address is hardcoded into the contract and there are individual methods to handle when Weth is token0 or token1.

Encode Packed

All calldata is encoded by packing the values together.

Environment variables

Copy .env.example into .env and fill out values.

cp .env.example .env
HTTP_RPC_URL= // Mainnet JSON-RPC url. example:<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>
PRIVATE_KEY= // Deployer private key(only for the deployment)
SEARCHER_PRIVATE_KEY= // Searcher(Attacker) private key to be used to interact with the deployed sandwich contract
SEARCHER=0x... // Searcher(Attacker) address


├── interfaces - contract interfaces for contract deployment and tests
├── script
│   ├── Deploy.s.sol - Deployment script for sandwich.huff contract to the predetermined address
│   ├── Deposit.s.sol - ETH deposit script that transfers ETH from the searcher wallet into the sandwich contract in WETH
│   ├── Seppuku.s.sol - Script that destructs the sandwich contract code from the contract address to deploy a new code
│   └── Withdraw.s.sol - Withdraw WETH from the sandwich contract to the searcher wallet in ETH
├── src
│   └── lib
│       └── ...
│   ├── BrainDance.sol - contract used to simulate sandwich contract output in local
│   └── sandwich.huff- production sandwich contract written with Huff
└── test
    ├── ...
    └── Mev.t.sol - test sandwich.huff contract in local


source .env
forge test --match-path test/Mev.t.sol --rpc-url $HTTP_RPC_URL -vvv


source .env  
forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $HTTP_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

Deposit WETH

source .env  
forge script ./script/Deposit.s.sol --rpc-url $HTTP_RPC_URL --broadcast --sender $SEARCHER

Withdraw WETH

source .env  
forge script ./script/Withdraw.s.sol --rpc-url $HTTP_RPC_URL --broadcast --sender $SEARCHER

Self destruct

source .env  
forge script ./script/Seppuku.s.sol --rpc-url $HTTP_RPC_URL --broadcast --sender $SEARCHER

