No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./swagger"
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi | ApplicationFunctionsUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/functions | Get application functions |
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi | FunctionsUsingGET | Get /functions | Get functions |
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi | InstanceTypesUsingGET | Get /instanceTypes | Get instance types |
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi | SubnetsUsingGET | Get /subnets | Get subnets |
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi | VpcsUsingGET | Get /vpcs | Get VPCs |
ApplicationControllerApi | CancelPipelineUsingPUT | Put /applications/{application}/pipelines/{id}/cancel | Cancel pipeline |
ApplicationControllerApi | CancelTaskUsingPUT | Put /applications/{application}/tasks/{id}/cancel | Cancel task |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetAllApplicationsUsingGET | Get /applications | Retrieve a list of applications |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetApplicationHistoryUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/history | Retrieve a list of an application's configuration revision history |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetApplicationUsingGET | Get /applications/{application} | Retrieve an application's details |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetPipelineConfigUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs/{pipelineName} | Retrieve a pipeline configuration |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetPipelineConfigsForApplicationUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs | Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline configurations |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetPipelinesUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/pipelines | Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline executions |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetStrategyConfigUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/strategyConfigs/{strategyName} | Retrieve a pipeline strategy configuration |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetStrategyConfigsForApplicationUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/strategyConfigs | Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline strategy configurations |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetTaskDetailsUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/tasks/{id}/details/{taskDetailsId} | Get task details |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetTaskUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/tasks/{id} | Get task |
ApplicationControllerApi | GetTasksUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/tasks | Retrieve a list of an application's tasks |
ApplicationControllerApi | InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST | Post /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs/{pipelineName} | Invoke pipeline config |
ApplicationControllerApi | TaskUsingPOST | Post /applications/{application}/tasks | Create task |
ArtifactControllerApi | AllUsingGET | Get /artifacts/credentials | Retrieve the list of artifact accounts configured in Clouddriver. |
ArtifactControllerApi | ArtifactVersionsUsingGET | Get /artifacts/account/{accountName}/versions | Retrieve the list of artifact versions by account and artifact names |
ArtifactControllerApi | GetArtifactUsingGET | Get /artifacts/{provider}/{packageName}/{version} | Retrieve the specified artifact version for an artifact provider and package name |
AuthControllerApi | GetServiceAccountsUsingGET | Get /auth/user/serviceAccounts | Get service accounts |
AuthControllerApi | LoggedOutUsingGET | Get /auth/loggedOut | Get logged out message |
AuthControllerApi | RedirectUsingGET | Get /auth/redirect | Redirect to Deck |
AuthControllerApi | SyncUsingPOST | Post /auth/roles/sync | Sync user roles |
AuthControllerApi | UserUsingGET | Get /auth/user | Get user |
BakeControllerApi | BakeOptionsUsingGET | Get /bakery/options/{cloudProvider} | Retrieve a list of available bakery base images for a given cloud provider |
BakeControllerApi | BakeOptionsUsingGET1 | Get /bakery/options | Retrieve a list of available bakery base images, grouped by cloud provider |
BakeControllerApi | LookupLogsUsingGET | Get /bakery/logs/{region}/{statusId} | Retrieve the logs for a given bake |
BuildControllerApi | GetBuildMastersUsingGET | Get /v2/builds | Get build masters |
BuildControllerApi | GetBuildUsingGET | Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/build/{number}/** | Get build for build master |
BuildControllerApi | GetBuildsUsingGET | Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/builds/** | Get builds for build master |
BuildControllerApi | GetJobConfigUsingGET | Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs/** | Get job config |
BuildControllerApi | GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET | Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs | Get jobs for build master |
BuildControllerApi | V3GetBuildMastersUsingGET | Get /v3/builds | Get build masters |
BuildControllerApi | V3GetBuildUsingGET | Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/build/{number} | Get build for build master |
BuildControllerApi | V3GetBuildsUsingGET | Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/builds | Get builds for build master |
BuildControllerApi | V3GetJobConfigUsingGET | Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/job | Get job config |
BuildControllerApi | V3GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET | Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs | Get jobs for build master |
CiControllerApi | GetBuildsUsingGET1 | Get /ci/builds | getBuilds |
ClusterControllerApi | GetClusterLoadBalancersUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/{type}/loadBalancers | Retrieve a cluster's loadbalancers |
ClusterControllerApi | GetClustersUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName} | Retrieve a cluster's details |
ClusterControllerApi | GetClustersUsingGET1 | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account} | Retrieve a list of clusters for an account |
ClusterControllerApi | GetClustersUsingGET2 | Get /applications/{application}/clusters | Retrieve a list of cluster names for an application, grouped by account |
ClusterControllerApi | GetScalingActivitiesUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups/{serverGroupName}/scalingActivities | Retrieve a list of scaling activities for a server group |
ClusterControllerApi | GetServerGroupsUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups/{serverGroupName} | Retrieve a server group's details |
ClusterControllerApi | GetServerGroupsUsingGET1 | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups | Retrieve a list of server groups for a cluster |
ClusterControllerApi | GetTargetServerGroupUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/{cloudProvider}/{scope}/serverGroups/target/{target} | Retrieve a server group that matches a target coordinate (e.g., newest, ancestor) relative to a cluster |
ConcourseControllerApi | JobsUsingGET | Get /concourse/{buildMaster}/teams/{team}/pipelines/{pipeline}/jobs | Retrieve the list of job names for a given pipeline available to triggers |
ConcourseControllerApi | PipelinesUsingGET | Get /concourse/{buildMaster}/teams/{team}/pipelines | Retrieve the list of pipeline names for a given team available to triggers |
ConcourseControllerApi | ResourcesUsingGET | Get /concourse/{buildMaster}/teams/{team}/pipelines/{pipeline}/resources | Retrieve the list of resource names for a given pipeline available to the Concourse stage |
CredentialsControllerApi | GetAccountUsingGET | Get /credentials/{account} | Retrieve an account's details |
CredentialsControllerApi | GetAccountsUsingGET | Get /credentials | Retrieve a list of accounts |
DeckPluginsControllerApi | GetPluginAssetUsingGET | Get /plugins/deck/{pluginId}/{pluginVersion}/{asset} | Retrieve a single plugin asset by version |
DeckPluginsControllerApi | GetPluginManifestUsingGET | Get /plugins/deck/plugin-manifest.json | Retrieve a plugin manifest |
EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApi | GetEventsUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/serverGroups/{account}/{serverGroupName}/events | Retrieves a list of events for a server group |
ExecutionsControllerApi | GetLatestExecutionsByConfigIdsUsingGET | Get /executions | Retrieves an ad-hoc collection of executions based on a number of user-supplied parameters. Either executionIds or pipelineConfigIds must be supplied in order to return any results. If both are supplied, an exception will be thrown. |
ExecutionsControllerApi | SearchForPipelineExecutionsByTriggerUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/executions/search | Search for pipeline executions using a combination of criteria. The returned list is sorted by buildTime (trigger time) in reverse order so that newer executions are first in the list. |
FirewallControllerApi | AllByAccountAndRegionUsingGET | Get /firewalls/{account}/{region} | Retrieve a list of firewalls for a given account and region |
FirewallControllerApi | AllByAccountUsingGET | Get /firewalls/{account} | Retrieve a list of firewalls for a given account, grouped by region |
FirewallControllerApi | AllUsingGET1 | Get /firewalls | Retrieve a list of firewalls, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region |
FirewallControllerApi | GetSecurityGroupUsingGET | Get /firewalls/{account}/{region}/{name} | Retrieve a firewall's details |
ImageControllerApi | FindImagesUsingGET | Get /images/find | Retrieve a list of images, filtered by cloud provider, region, and account |
ImageControllerApi | FindTagsUsingGET | Get /images/tags | Find tags |
ImageControllerApi | GetImageDetailsUsingGET | Get /images/{account}/{region}/{imageId} | Get image details |
InstanceControllerApi | GetConsoleOutputUsingGET | Get /instances/{account}/{region}/{instanceId}/console | Retrieve an instance's console output |
InstanceControllerApi | GetInstanceDetailsUsingGET | Get /instances/{account}/{region}/{instanceId} | Retrieve an instance's details |
JobControllerApi | GetJobUsingGET | Get /applications/{applicationName}/jobs/{account}/{region}/{name} | Get job |
LoadBalancerControllerApi | GetAllUsingGET | Get /loadBalancers | Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given cloud provider |
LoadBalancerControllerApi | GetApplicationLoadBalancersUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/loadBalancers | Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given application |
LoadBalancerControllerApi | GetLoadBalancerDetailsUsingGET | Get /loadBalancers/{account}/{region}/{name} | Retrieve a load balancer's details as a single element list for a given account, region, cloud provider and load balancer name |
LoadBalancerControllerApi | GetLoadBalancerUsingGET | Get /loadBalancers/{name} | Retrieve a load balancer for a given cloud provider |
ManagedControllerApi | CreatePinUsingPOST | Post /managed/application/{application}/pin | Create a pin for an artifact in an environment |
ManagedControllerApi | DeleteManifestByAppUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/application/{application}/config | Delete a delivery config manifest for an application |
ManagedControllerApi | DeleteManifestUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/delivery-configs/{name} | Delete a delivery config manifest |
ManagedControllerApi | DeletePinUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/application/{application}/pin/{targetEnvironment} | Unpin one or more artifact(s) in an environment. If the `reference` parameter is specified, only the corresponding artifact will be unpinned. If it's omitted, all pinned artifacts in the environment will be unpinned. |
ManagedControllerApi | DeleteVetoUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/application/{application}/veto/{targetEnvironment}/{reference}/{version} | Remove veto of an artifact version in an environment |
ManagedControllerApi | DiffManifestUsingPOST | Post /managed/delivery-configs/diff | Ad-hoc validate and diff a config manifest |
ManagedControllerApi | DiffResourceUsingPOST | Post /managed/resources/diff | Ad-hoc validate and diff a resource |
ManagedControllerApi | ExportResourceUsingGET | Get /managed/resources/export/artifact/{cloudProvider}/{account}/{clusterName} | Generates an artifact definition based on the artifact used in a running cluster |
ManagedControllerApi | ExportResourceUsingGET1 | Get /managed/resources/export/{cloudProvider}/{account}/{type}/{name} | Generate a keel resource definition for a deployed cloud resource |
ManagedControllerApi | GetApiDocsUsingGET | Get /managed/api-docs | getApiDocs |
ManagedControllerApi | GetApplicationDetailsUsingGET | Get /managed/application/{application} | Get managed details about an application |
ManagedControllerApi | GetConfigByUsingGET | Get /managed/application/{application}/config | Get the delivery config associated with an application |
ManagedControllerApi | GetConstraintStateUsingGET | Get /managed/application/{application}/environment/{environment}/constraints | List up-to {limit} current constraint states for an environment |
ManagedControllerApi | GetManifestArtifactsUsingGET | Get /managed/delivery-configs/{name}/artifacts | Get the status of each version of each artifact in each environment |
ManagedControllerApi | GetManifestUsingGET | Get /managed/delivery-configs/{name} | Get a delivery config manifest |
ManagedControllerApi | GetResourceStatusUsingGET | Get /managed/resources/{resourceId}/status | Get status of a resource |
ManagedControllerApi | GetResourceUsingGET | Get /managed/resources/{resourceId} | Get a resource |
ManagedControllerApi | PauseApplicationUsingPOST | Post /managed/application/{application}/pause | Pause management of an entire application |
ManagedControllerApi | PauseResourceUsingPOST | Post /managed/resources/{resourceId}/pause | Pause management of a resource |
ManagedControllerApi | ResumeApplicationUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/application/{application}/pause | Resume management of an entire application |
ManagedControllerApi | ResumeResourceUsingDELETE | Delete /managed/resources/{resourceId}/pause | Resume management of a resource |
ManagedControllerApi | UpdateConstraintStatusUsingPOST | Post /managed/application/{application}/environment/{environment}/constraint | Update the status of an environment constraint |
ManagedControllerApi | UpsertManifestUsingPOST | Post /managed/delivery-configs | Create or update a delivery config manifest |
ManagedControllerApi | ValidateManifestUsingPOST | Post /managed/delivery-configs/validate | Validate a delivery config manifest |
ManagedControllerApi | VetoUsingPOST | Post /managed/application/{application}/veto | Veto an artifact version in an environment |
NetworkControllerApi | AllByCloudProviderUsingGET | Get /networks/{cloudProvider} | Retrieve a list of networks for a given cloud provider |
NetworkControllerApi | AllUsingGET2 | Get /networks | Retrieve a list of networks, grouped by cloud provider |
PipelineConfigControllerApi | ConvertPipelineConfigToPipelineTemplateUsingGET | Get /pipelineConfigs/{pipelineConfigId}/convertToTemplate | Convert a pipeline config to a pipeline template. |
PipelineConfigControllerApi | GetAllPipelineConfigsUsingGET | Get /pipelineConfigs | Get all pipeline configs. |
PipelineConfigControllerApi | GetPipelineConfigHistoryUsingGET | Get /pipelineConfigs/{pipelineConfigId}/history | Get pipeline config history. |
PipelineControllerApi | CancelPipelineUsingPUT1 | Put /pipelines/{id}/cancel | Cancel a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | DeletePipelineUsingDELETE | Delete /pipelines/{application}/{pipelineName} | Delete a pipeline definition |
PipelineControllerApi | DeletePipelineUsingDELETE1 | Delete /pipelines/{id} | Delete a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | EvaluateExpressionForExecutionAtStageUsingGET | Get /pipelines/{id}/{stageId}/evaluateExpression | Evaluate a pipeline expression at a specific stage using the provided execution as context |
PipelineControllerApi | EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingGET | Get /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression | Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context |
PipelineControllerApi | EvaluateExpressionForExecutionViaPOSTUsingPOST | Post /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression | Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context |
PipelineControllerApi | EvaluateVariablesUsingPOST | Post /pipelines/{id}/evaluateVariables | Evaluate variables same as Evaluate Variables stage using the provided execution as context |
PipelineControllerApi | GetPipelineUsingGET | Get /pipelines/{id} | Retrieve a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST1 | Post /pipelines/{application}/{pipelineNameOrId} | Trigger a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | InvokePipelineConfigViaEchoUsingPOST | Post /pipelines/v2/{application}/{pipelineNameOrId} | Trigger a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | PausePipelineUsingPUT | Put /pipelines/{id}/pause | Pause a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | RenamePipelineUsingPOST | Post /pipelines/move | Rename a pipeline definition |
PipelineControllerApi | RestartStageUsingPUT | Put /pipelines/{id}/stages/{stageId}/restart | Restart a stage execution |
PipelineControllerApi | ResumePipelineUsingPUT | Put /pipelines/{id}/resume | Resume a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | SavePipelineUsingPOST | Post /pipelines | Save a pipeline definition |
PipelineControllerApi | StartUsingPOST | Post /pipelines/start | Initiate a pipeline execution |
PipelineControllerApi | UpdatePipelineUsingPUT | Put /pipelines/{id} | Update a pipeline definition |
PipelineControllerApi | UpdateStageUsingPATCH | Patch /pipelines/{id}/stages/{stageId} | Update a stage execution |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | CreateUsingPOST | Post /pipelineTemplates | Create a pipeline template. |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | DeleteUsingDELETE | Delete /pipelineTemplates/{id} | Delete a pipeline template. |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | GetUsingGET | Get /pipelineTemplates/{id} | Get a pipeline template. |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET | Get /pipelineTemplates/{id}/dependents | List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ListUsingGET | Get /pipelineTemplates | List pipeline templates. |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ResolveTemplatesUsingGET | Get /pipelineTemplates/resolve | Resolve a pipeline template. |
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | UpdateUsingPOST | Post /pipelineTemplates/{id} | Update a pipeline template. |
PluginInfoControllerApi | DeletePluginInfoUsingDELETE | Delete /plugins/info/{id} | Delete plugin info with the provided Id |
PluginInfoControllerApi | GetAllPluginInfoUsingGET | Get /plugins/info | Get all plugin info objects |
PluginInfoControllerApi | PersistPluginInfoUsingPOST | Post /plugins/info | Persist plugin metadata information |
PluginInfoControllerApi | PersistPluginInfoUsingPUT | Put /plugins/info | Persist plugin metadata information |
PluginPublishControllerApi | PublishPluginUsingPOST | Post /plugins/publish/{pluginId}/{pluginVersion} | Publish a plugin binary and the plugin info metadata. |
PluginsInstalledControllerApi | GetInstalledPluginsUsingGET | Get /plugins/installed | Get all installed Spinnaker plugins |
ProjectControllerApi | AllPipelinesForProjectUsingGET | Get /projects/{id}/pipelines | Get all pipelines for project |
ProjectControllerApi | AllUsingGET3 | Get /projects | Get all projects |
ProjectControllerApi | GetClustersUsingGET3 | Get /projects/{id}/clusters | Get a project's clusters |
ProjectControllerApi | GetUsingGET1 | Get /projects/{id} | Get a project |
PubsubSubscriptionControllerApi | AllUsingGET4 | Get /pubsub/subscriptions | Retrieve the list of pub/sub subscriptions configured in Echo. |
ReorderPipelinesControllerApi | ReorderPipelinesUsingPOST | Post /actions/pipelines/reorder | Re-order pipelines |
SearchControllerApi | SearchUsingGET | Get /search | Search infrastructure |
SecurityGroupControllerApi | AllByAccountUsingGET1 | Get /securityGroups/{account} | Retrieve a list of security groups for a given account, grouped by region |
SecurityGroupControllerApi | AllUsingGET5 | Get /securityGroups | Retrieve a list of security groups, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region |
SecurityGroupControllerApi | GetSecurityGroupUsingGET1 | Get /securityGroups/{account}/{region}/{name} | Retrieve a security group's details |
ServerGroupControllerApi | GetServerGroupDetailsUsingGET | Get /applications/{applicationName}/serverGroups/{account}/{region}/{serverGroupName} | Retrieve a server group's details |
ServerGroupControllerApi | GetServerGroupsForApplicationUsingGET | Get /applications/{applicationName}/serverGroups | Retrieve a list of server groups for a given application |
ServerGroupManagerControllerApi | GetServerGroupManagersForApplicationUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/serverGroupManagers | Retrieve a list of server group managers for an application |
SnapshotControllerApi | GetCurrentSnapshotUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/snapshots/{account} | Get current snapshot |
SnapshotControllerApi | GetSnapshotHistoryUsingGET | Get /applications/{application}/snapshots/{account}/history | Get snapshot history |
SubnetControllerApi | AllByCloudProviderUsingGET1 | Get /subnets/{cloudProvider} | Retrieve a list of subnets for a given cloud provider |
TaskControllerApi | CancelTaskUsingPUT1 | Put /tasks/{id}/cancel | Cancel task |
TaskControllerApi | CancelTasksUsingPUT | Put /tasks/cancel | Cancel tasks |
TaskControllerApi | DeleteTaskUsingDELETE | Delete /tasks/{id} | Delete task |
TaskControllerApi | GetTaskDetailsUsingGET1 | Get /tasks/{id}/details/{taskDetailsId} | Get task details |
TaskControllerApi | GetTaskUsingGET1 | Get /tasks/{id} | Get task |
TaskControllerApi | TaskUsingPOST1 | Post /tasks | Create task |
V2CanaryConfigControllerApi | CreateCanaryConfigUsingPOST | Post /v2/canaryConfig | Create a canary configuration |
V2CanaryConfigControllerApi | DeleteCanaryConfigUsingDELETE | Delete /v2/canaryConfig/{id} | Delete a canary configuration |
V2CanaryConfigControllerApi | GetCanaryConfigUsingGET | Get /v2/canaryConfig/{id} | Retrieve a canary configuration by id |
V2CanaryConfigControllerApi | GetCanaryConfigsUsingGET | Get /v2/canaryConfig | Retrieve a list of canary configurations |
V2CanaryConfigControllerApi | UpdateCanaryConfigUsingPUT | Put /v2/canaryConfig/{id} | Update a canary configuration |
V2CanaryControllerApi | GetCanaryResultUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/canary/{canaryConfigId}/{canaryExecutionId} | (DEPRECATED) Retrieve a canary result |
V2CanaryControllerApi | GetCanaryResultUsingGET1 | Get /v2/canaries/canary/{canaryExecutionId} | Retrieve a canary result |
V2CanaryControllerApi | GetCanaryResultsByApplicationUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/{application}/executions | Retrieve a list of an application's canary results |
V2CanaryControllerApi | GetMetricSetPairListUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/metricSetPairList/{metricSetPairListId} | Retrieve a metric set pair list |
V2CanaryControllerApi | InitiateCanaryUsingPOST | Post /v2/canaries/canary/{canaryConfigId} | Start a canary execution |
V2CanaryControllerApi | InitiateCanaryWithConfigUsingPOST | Post /v2/canaries/canary | Start a canary execution with the supplied canary config |
V2CanaryControllerApi | ListCredentialsUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/credentials | Retrieve a list of configured Kayenta accounts |
V2CanaryControllerApi | ListJudgesUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/judges | Retrieve a list of all configured canary judges |
V2CanaryControllerApi | ListMetricsServiceMetadataUsingGET | Get /v2/canaries/metadata/metricsService | Retrieve a list of descriptors for use in populating the canary config ui |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | CreateUsingPOST1 | Post /v2/pipelineTemplates/create | (ALPHA) Create a pipeline template. |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | DeleteUsingDELETE1 | Delete /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id} | Delete a pipeline template. |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | GetUsingGET2 | Get /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id} | (ALPHA) Get a pipeline template. |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET1 | Get /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id}/dependents | (ALPHA) List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ListUsingGET1 | Get /v2/pipelineTemplates | (ALPHA) List pipeline templates. |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | ListVersionsUsingGET | Get /v2/pipelineTemplates/versions | List pipeline templates with versions |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | PlanUsingPOST | Post /v2/pipelineTemplates/plan | (ALPHA) Plan a pipeline template configuration. |
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi | UpdateUsingPOST1 | Post /v2/pipelineTemplates/update/{id} | (ALPHA) Update a pipeline template. |
VersionControllerApi | GetVersionUsingGET | Get /version | Fetch Gate's current version |
WebhookControllerApi | PreconfiguredWebhooksUsingGET | Get /webhooks/preconfigured | Retrieve a list of preconfigured webhooks in Orca |
WebhookControllerApi | WebhooksUsingPOST | Post /webhooks/{type}/{source} | Endpoint for posting webhooks to Spinnaker's webhook service |
- Account
- AccountDetails
- ConstraintState
- ConstraintStatus
- DeckPluginVersion
- DeliveryConfig
- Environment
- EnvironmentArtifactPin
- EnvironmentArtifactVeto
- File
- GrantedAuthority
- HashMapstringobject
- Http
- HttpEntity
- InputStream
- Mapstringobject
- Mapstringstring
- Notification
- PipelineTemplateDependent
- PluginDependency
- RemoteExtension
- RemoteExtensionTransport
- ReorderPipelinesCommand
- Resource
- ResponseEntity
- SpinnakerPluginDescriptor
- SpinnakerPluginInfo
- SpinnakerPluginRelease
- Uri
- Url
- UrlStreamHandler
- User
- Version
Endpoints do not require authorization.