Basic notes on how to use VASP
In order to run VASP, you need 4 input files: INCAR (contains calculation parameters), POSCAR (contains the geometry of the system), POTCAR (contains psuedopotential information), KPOINTS (contains which kpoint you want to use).
- ISTART = Initial guess of the orbitals
- | 0=new, 1=continue from WAVECAR with const E cut-off, 2=continue from WAVECAR with const basis |
- ICHARG = Initial guess of charge density
- | 0=from orbitals, 1=read from CHGCAR, 2=from atomic charges, +10=non-scf(const), 11=to get evalue for band plots or DOS read from CHGCAR |
- LCHARG = Whether to save CHGCAR or not
- | .FALSE. or .TRUE. |
SYSTEM = Name of the system ( for example pt4sn3-sio2)
ENCUT = Plane Wave cut-off Energy in eV
LREAL = Real space projection
| .FALSE. or .AUTO. |
Note: For large supercells or hybrid functionals 'Auto' is recommended (faster with a negligible loss in accuracy).
- ISMEAR = Smearing method
- | 0=gaussian, -1=fermi, -4=tetrahedron, -5=blochl |
- SIGMA = Broadening of Smearing in eV (width of smearing)
| recommended: 0.1 |
Note: For calculating DOS and very accurate total energy calculations (no relaxation in metals) use the tetrahedron method (ISMEAR=-5).
NELM = Num of electronic relaxation steps (SCF)
NELMIN = Min electronic relaxation steps that should be done between each ionic (geometric) update.
EDIFF = Stopping criteria for ELM (electronic minimization, SCF)
- | recommended: 1e-6 |
- IBRION = Relaxation method
| 0=MD run, 1=quasi new(RMM-DIIS for geom opt)RECOMMENDED FOR NEB, 2=CG algorithm(for hard relaxation), -1=static, 5-8=freq; 7,8 using DFTPT; 5,6 using finite displacement, 6,8 with sym; 5,7 w/o sym |
Note: For difficult relaxation problems it is recommended to use the conjugate gradient algorithm (IBRION=2).
Note: Damped molecular dynamics (IBRION=3) are often useful when starting from very bad initial guesses.
Note: Close to the local minimum the RMM-DIIS (IBRION=1) is usually the best choice.
- EDIFFG = Stopping criteria for ionic (geometric) relaxation, IOM (geometry optimizations)
| Default : EDIFFx10, recommended: -0.01 |
Note: If EDIFFG is negative it has a different meaning: In this case the relaxation will stop if all forces are small than the |EDIFFG|. This is usually a more convenient setting. EDIFFG does not apply for MD-simulations.
NSW = Num of steps for ionic relaxtion(geometry).
ALGO = Algorithm used for SCF (electronic minimization)
- | Normal=Davidson, Fast=RMM, Very Fast=RMM-DIIS, All=good for hybrid functionals |
- ISPIN = Whether the calculation is spin polarized or not
- | 2=spin polarized, 1=no |
- NUPDOWN = Num of e with spin up - spin down = -1(default,full relaxation)
- | 0-singlet, 1-doublet, etc |
- ISIF = Used for relaxing the unit cell
- | 2=relax ions only, 3=ions + volume |
- LORBIT = Density of States calculations
- | use 11 for projected DOS, LORBIT<10, the spd- and site projected wavefunction character of each band is, evaluated, and the local partial DOS is calculated. LORBIT>=10, RWIG is ignored, works only for PAW method |
- PREC = Precision of the calculation
- | Accurate or Normal |
- LWAVE = Save Wavecar or not
- | .FALSE. or .TRUE. |
POTIM = Trial step, time-step for ion-motion in MD calculations in fs
IVDW = VDW correction
- | recommended: 11 |
- GGA = Override the type of density functional specified in the POTCAR
- | default: PBE = PE |
- LHFCALC = Switch on Hybrid and Hartree-Fock type calculations
- | .FALSE. or .TRUE. |
- HF Setting:
- AEXX = 1.0
- ALDAC = 0.0
- AGGAC = 0
- B3LYP Functional Setting:
- GGA = B3
- AEXX = 0.2
- AGGAX = 0.72
- AGGAC = 0.81
- ALDAC = 0.19
- PBE0 Functional Setting:
- GGA = PE
- HSE06 Functional Setting:
- HFSCREEN = 0.2
Pt2Si cluster isolated from MgO ! comment line
1.00000000000000 ! universal scaling factor
12.6256980228000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 ! first Bravais lattice vector
0.0000000000000000 12.6256980228000000 0.0000000000000000 ! second Bravais lattice vector
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 30.0000000000000000 ! third Bravais lattice vector
Si Pt ! elements
1 2 num of each element
Selective dynamics ! for relaxing some coordinates, F=fixed, T=relax
Cartesian ! direct (fractional) or cartesian (only first letter is significant)
4.210900000000 4.218200000000 12.610000000000 F F T
6.205100000000 4.215700000000 13.363500000000 T T F
2.216900000000 4.239300000000 13.364400000000 F F F
- The positions can be given in direct (fractional) or Cartesian coordinates. Note that the lattice vectors are always scaled by the universal scaling factor.
LAECHG = .TRUE. | for Bader charge analysis; the core charge will be written so that it would be used in Bader | In quantum espresso it is recommended to perform the bader analysis only if PAW pseudopotentials are employed. I made some test using QE and ultra-soft pseudopotentials (what we usually use) and VASP with PAW pseudop. The results are very similar. However, for VASP there is a correction to consider also the core electrons. In this case I obtained different results (and they make more sense), specially with atoms such as B or Al. So, I think this is the best way to proceed:
To use this correction you need to include in your INCAR file:
Once the calculation is done:
./bader CHGCAR -ref CHGCAR_sum
For MD, we recommend the use of PREC=Normal although PREC=Low yields often satisfactory results.
MAXMIX = 40, Reuse mixer from one MD step to next
NELMIN = 4, Minimum 4 steps per time step, avoid breaking after 2 steps
NSW = 10000
TEBEG = 2000, Temperature begin
TEEND = 2000, Temperature end
SMASS = 0, -1, 0 = NVT-canonical (Nose) MD, -1 = NVE-micro canonical MD with temperature scaling every 50 steps
POTIM = 1.0, timestep in fs
POTIM = 1.0
IWAVPR = 12, Determines how orbitals and/or charge densities are extrapolated from one ionic configuration to the next configuration. MD=12, relax=11
Note: Use ALGO=Very Fast (RMM-DIIS for electrons) for large molecular dynamics runs.For surface or difficult systems, you might need to increase NELMIN = 8.
IBRION = 1, recommended
ALGO = fast
ICHAIN = 0, (int) Indicates which method to run. NEB (ICHAIN=0) is the default.
IMAGES = 5, (int) Number of NEB images between the fixed endpoints.
SPRING = -5.0, (float) The spring constant, in eV/Ang^2 between the images; negative value turns on nudging
LCLIMB = .TRUE., Flag to turn on the climbing image algorithm (CI-NEB)
LTANGENTOLD = .FALSE., Flag to turn on the old central difference tangent
LDNEB = .FALSE., Flag to turn on modified double nudging
LNEBCELL = .FALSE., Flag to turn on SS-NEB. Used with ISIF=3 and IOPT=3.
LVTOT = .TRUE. | to generate a LOCPOT-file |
IDIPOL = 3 | dipole correction in all x,y,z |
LVHAR = .TRUE. | so that the LOCPOT contains only the electrostatic potential and not the entire local potential |
LSOL = .TRUE. LAMBDA_D_K = 3.0 | Debye screening length | EB_K = 78.4 | Relative permittivity of water | TAU = 0 | Effective cavity surface tension |