Remix is a framework for shipping better websites.
# install everything
yarn install
# run the build
yarn build
# run the tests
yarn test
# run the tests for a specific package
yarn test react
# run the tests in watch mode
yarn test react --watch
# cut a release
yarn run version major|minor|patch|prerelease [prereleaseId]
yarn run publish
# or, to automatically publish from GitHub Actions
git push origin --follow-tags
- Server
x Status codes from loaders (rewrites, redirects)
x Meta tags
manifest endpoint- In dev, error overlays in the browser
- Client
- web manifest
- hydrate React, no data
- hydrate with data (putting
on window) - clicking links, transitions
triggers suspense, fetches new data from/__remix_data
(includes copy results) to populate data cache for new location- proper status codes in the browser (reload on 404, etc.)
- update
- patch client manifest when links render (or on
- open questions about data cache:
- how do you share models across locations?
- how do you expire some data?
- scroll management
- focus management
remix run
- Watch project root, rebuild as files change
remix build
- Browser dev tools