The original version created by 0xmoei
A native Bitcoin DA layer has announced that its Alpha testnet incentive program is now live. The Alpha testnet event is divided into three phases: community assembly, light node missions, and testnet adventures, with incentives offered at each stage.
Phase 1 is active
Join Testnet Dashboard
Remember to get faucet here
You'd better first to run a light node then use your node wallet to connect to the dashboard
Light Node is a phase 2 task but better you run it now
Ram | cpu | disk |
500MB |
Signle Core |
+30GB SSD |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install curl screen git-all build-essential glibc-source pkg-config libssl-dev clang git-lfs -y
Open a screen
screen -S nubit
Install and Run
curl -sL1 | bash
You can minimze the screen with Ctrl+A+D
sudo cat $HOME/nubit-node/mnemonic.txt
first you should open the screen, then stop the node, and then run the node again
screen -x nubit
press ctrl+C to stop the node
curl -sL1 | bash
press ctrl+A+D for minimizing the screen
Get Your address Here
Faucet for your wallet here
# Check logs
screen -r nubit
# minimze again
CTRL + A + D
cd $HOME && cd nubit-node
rm -rf $HOME/nubit-node $HOME/.nubit-light-nubit-alphatestnet-1