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The generateDetection plugin performs bounding boxe refinement of MaskRCNN's detection head and generates the final detection output of MaskRCNN.


This plugin supports the NCHW format. It takes three input tensors: delta_bbox, score and roi

delta_bbox is the refinement information of roi boxes generated from the MultilevelProposeROI plugin. delta_bbox tensor's shape is [N, rois, num_classes*4, 1, 1] where N is batch size, rois is the total number of ROI boxes candidates per image, and num_classes*4 means 4 refinement elements ([dy, dx, dh, dw]) for each roi box as different classes.

score is the predicted class scores of ROI boxes generated from MaskRCNN detection head of shape [N, rois, num_classes, 1, 1]. There is an argmax operation in generateDetection to determine the final class of detection candidates.

roi is the coordinates of ROI boxes candidates from the MultilevelProposeROI plugin of shape [N, rois, 4].

This plugin generates output of shape [N, keep_topk, 6] where keep_topk is the maximum number of detections left after NMS and '6' means 6 elements of an detection [y1, x1, y2, x2, class_label, score]


This plugin has the plugin creator class generateDetectionPluginCreator and the plugin class generateDetection.

The following parameters were used to create generateDetection instance:

Type Parameter Description
int num_classes Number of detection classes(including background). num_classes=91 for COCO dataset
int keep_topk Number of detections will be kept after NMS.
float score_threshold Confidence threshold value. This plugin will drop a detection if its class confidence(score) is under "score_threshold".
float iou_threshold IOU threshold value used in NMS.
int[3] image_size Input image size in CHW. Defaults to [3,832,1344]


The number of anchors is capped at 2048 to support embedded devices with smaller shared memory capacity.

To enable support for a device with higher memory, calls to sortPerClass and KeepTopKGather can be modified in DetectionPostProcess (

Additional resources


For terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution, see the TensorRT Software License Agreement documentation.


January 2022: The Limitations section was added to this file to document limitations of the plugin related to the maximum number of anchors it can support.

June 2020: First release of this file.

Known issues

There are no known issues in this plugin.