id | slug | title | description | date | tags | |||||||
kibDevDocsOpsEslintConfig |
/kibana-dev-docs/ops/eslint-config |
@kbn/eslint-config |
A package holding the main eslint configs on Kibana |
2022-05-16 |
This package is used to group and provide the eslint configurations used by the Kibana team. It defines default plugins, env, parserOptions and rules for javascript, typescript, and react code bases. Optionally it can also be used with jest as explained below.
To use this eslint config, it needs to be referenced in the .eslintrc
module.exports = {
extends: [
If jest test runner is used,
the @kbn/eslint-config/jest
config can be extended as well to use
and add settings specific to it:
module.exports = {
extends: [