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GRASS module that extracts terrain parameters from a DEM.
Uses a multi-scale approach by taking fitting quadratic
parameters to any size window (via least squares).

Jo Wood, 27th November, 1994.


Modified to include constrained fitting. 

Jo Wood, April, 1995 


Modified to include weighting matrix and double precision arithmetic.

Jo Wood, 9th May, 1995.


Modified to include two separate tolerance values for feature detection.

Jo Wood, 23rd May, 1995.

Still to do:
	Fix bug when `constrain through central cell' option selected.
	Create colour tables for all output files (presently only on features).


See also Java Code in 'LandSerf' that implements the same procedure


 r.param.scale [-c] in=name out=name [s_tol=value] [c_tol=value]
   [size=value] [param=name] [exp=value] [zscale=value]

  -c   Constrain model through central window cell

      in   Raster surface layer to process
     out   Output raster layer containing morphometric parameter
   s_tol   Slope tolerance that defines a `flat' surface (degrees)
           default: 1.0
   c_tol   Curvature tolerance that defines `planar' surface
           default: 1.0
    size   Size of processing window (odd number only)
           default: 3
   param   Morphometric parameter to calculate
           options: elev,slope,aspect,profc,planc,longc,crosc,minic,maxic,
           default: elev
     exp   Exponent for distance weighting (0.0-4.0)
           default: 0.0
  zscale   Vertical scaling factor
           default: 1.0