Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
- Kollam, Kerala
- www.linkedin.com/in/p-nishant
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Starred repositories
A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all.
Websockets for Django applications using Redis as message queue
A Rest-framework for websockets using Django channels-v4
This project is outdated and replaced by root. Archived for historical reference. Club Management System of amFOSS, powered by CMS
This project is no longer actively maintained and has been archived for historical reference. Platform to connect contributors and projects based on skill level and shared interests.
amfoss / star-me
Forked from fossasia/star-meStar amfoss Repositories on Github and Support the Community
This project has been is obsolete and archived, and replaced by the amFOSS CMS
Django poll app is a full featured polling app. You have to register in this app to show the polls and to vote. If you already voted you can not vote again. Only the owner of a poll can add poll , …
Django eCommerce tutorial for beginners
A rapid fire tutorial and introduction of Django Channels. To get more in depth check out the full course https://kirr.co/badl8e
Solve the problem. 😊 If you like ❤ give us a star⭐. HACKTOBERFEST
All-in-One JWT Authentication Library for Django Graphene
nipan09 / Qujini
Forked from amfoss/qujiniOpen Source Question Paper Generator