There are two ways of getting dMRIPrep installed:
- within a Manually Prepared Environment (Python 3.5+), also known as bare-metal installation; or
- using container technologies (RECOMMENDED), such as Docker or Singularity.
Once you have your bare-metal environment set-up (first option above),
the next step is executing the dmriprep
The dmriprep
command-line options are documented in the :ref:`usage`
The dmriprep
command-line adheres to the BIDS-Apps recommendations
for the user interface.
Therefore, the command-line has the following structure:
$ dmriprep <input_bids_path> <derivatives_path> <analysis_level> <named_options>
On the other hand, if you chose a container infrastructure, then
the command-line will be composed of a preamble to configure the
container execution followed by the dmriprep
command-line options
as if you were running it on a bare-metal installation.
The command-line structure above is then modified as follows:
$ <container_command_and_options> <container_image> \ <input_bids_path> <derivatives_path> <analysis_level> <dmriprep_named_options>
Therefore, once specified, the container options and the image to be run
from the command line is the same as for the bare-metal installation but dropping
the dmriprep
executable name.
Container technologies are operating-system-level virtualization methods to run Linux systems using the host's Linux kernel. This is a lightweight approach to virtualization, as compares to virtual machines.
Probably, the most popular framework to execute containers is Docker.
If you are to run dMRIPrep on your PC/laptop, this is the RECOMMENDED way of execution.
Please make sure you follow the `Docker installation`_ instructions.
You can check your `Docker Engine`_ installation running their hello-world
$ docker run --rm hello-world
If you have a functional installation, then you should obtain the following output.
Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 1. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. (amd64) 1. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 1. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it to your terminal. To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bash Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID: For more examples and ideas, visit:
After checking your Docker Engine is capable of running Docker images, then go ahead
and check out our documentation
to run the dMRIPrep image.
The list of Docker images ready to use is found at the `Docker Hub`_,
under the nipreps/dmriprep
For security reasons, many :abbr:`HPCs (High-Performance Computing)` (e.g., TACC_) do not allow Docker containers, but do allow Singularity_ containers. The improved security for multi-tenant systems comes at the price of some limitations and extra steps necessary for execution. Please make sure you follow our tips and tricks to run dMRIPrep's Singularity images.
This method is not recommended! Please checkout container alternatives such as Docker, or Singularity.
Make sure all of dMRIPrep's External Dependencies are installed.
These tools must be installed and their binaries available in the
system's $PATH
A relatively interpretable description of how your environment can be set-up
is found in the Dockerfile.
As an additional installation setting, FreeSurfer requires a license file (see :ref:`fs_license`).
On a functional Python 3.7 (or above) environment with pip
dMRIPrep can be installed using the habitual command
$ python -m pip install dmriprep
Check your installation with the --version
$ dmriprep --version
dMRIPrep is written using Python 3.7 (or above), and is based on Nipype_.
dMRIPrep requires some other neuroimaging software tools that are
not handled by the Python's packaging system (Pypi) used to deploy
the dmriprep
- FSL_ (version 5.0.9)
- ANTs_ (version 2.3.3 - NeuroDocker build)
- AFNI_ (version Debian-16.2.07)
- FreeSurfer_ (version 6.0.1)
- bids-validator (version 1.4.0)