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  • node version: 14.x
  • npm version: 7.x


npm i
cp .env.example .env

Fill .env with your MNEMONIC and INFURA_PROJECT_ID

In order to upgrade the contracts we will need the information on deployments/${network}_$(date +%s)

In project root, copy the ${network}.json of the deployment that you want to upgrade and copy it on the ./.openzeppelin e.g. cp deployments/${network}_$(date +%s)/${network}.json ./.openzeppelin

Then fill the upgrade parameters:

cd deployment
cp upgrade_parameters.json.example upgrade_parameters.json

Fill created upgrade_parameters.json with appropiate parameters. You should fullfill the upgrades array, with all the updates that you intend to do ( more information in upgrade-parameters.json section)

if the deployment was deployed without a timelock you can use the simpleUpgradeScript.js:

  • Run the script

Otherwise, in case of timelock use timeLockUpgrade.js

  • Run the script
  • Now the necessary transactions to interact with the timelock are printed in the screen schedule and execute, also will be saved in ./upgrade_output_${new Date().getTime() / 1000}.json file
  • With the owner of the timelock (multisig or account), send the data printed by schedule to the Timelock contract.
  • Once the necessary timelockMinDelay has expired, with the same account you can now send the data printed by execute to the Timelock contract and the contracts will be upgraded.


  • timelockMinDelay: number, timelock delay between the schedule and execution, must be bigger than current min delay
  • upgrades: Object, Indicates which address and to which implementation must upgrade
    • address: address of the current proxy
    • contractName: string, contract name that the proxy will be updated to
    • constructorArgs: Array, optional, constructor arguments of the new implementation deployed

Optional Parameters

  • multiplierGas: number, Gas multiplier. If maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas are set, will not take effect
  • deployerPvtKey: string, deployerPvtKey of the deployer
  • timelockSalt: string, Optional salt for the timelock