Day | 1st Year Tasks | 2nd Year Tasks | 3rd Year Tasks |
Day 1-2 | ✅ Learn HTML & CSS basics. ✅ Build a static portfolio website. |
✅ Review HTML & CSS. ✅ Build a blog landing page. |
✅ Learn React.js basics & Tailwind CSS. ✅ Build a dashboard UI. |
Day 3-4 | ✅ Learn JavaScript basics. ✅ Build a counter app. |
✅ Learn advanced JavaScript. ✅ Build a to-do list app. |
✅ Master advanced JavaScript. ✅ Integrate API calls into the dashboard. |
Day 5-6 | ✅ Solve 10 easy DSA problems (Arrays, Strings). | ✅ Solve 10 moderate DSA problems (Arrays, Strings). | ✅ Solve 10 moderate DSA problems (two-pointer, sliding window). |
Day 7 | ✅ Host the portfolio website. | ✅ Push & host the to-do list app. | ✅ Start full-stack expense tracker app (frontend). |
Day | 1st Year Tasks | 2nd Year Tasks | 3rd Year Tasks |
Day 8-10 | ✅ Learn Bootstrap/Tailwind CSS. ✅ Build a modern portfolio website. |
✅ Build a blog app with CRUD using JSON server. | ✅ Complete expense tracker app (backend: Node.js + MongoDB). |
Day 11-13 | ✅ Solve 15 DSA problems (easy). | ✅ Solve 15 moderate DSA problems (hashing, recursion). | ✅ Solve 15 moderate-hard DSA problems (dynamic programming). |
Day 14 | ✅ Build a weather app using API. | ✅ Learn API integration; apply it to the blog app. | ✅ Deploy the expense tracker app. |
Day | 1st Year Tasks | 2nd Year Tasks | 3rd Year Tasks |
Day 15-18 | ✅ Redesign the portfolio with dark mode. ✅ Host updated portfolio. |
✅ Learn React.js & Tailwind CSS. ✅ Build a weather app in React. |
✅ Build a cryptocurrency tracker (React, CoinGecko API, Chart.js). |
Day 19-21 | ✅ Solve 20 DSA problems (easy-moderate). | ✅ Solve 20 moderate DSA problems (recursion, stacks). | ✅ Solve 20 moderate-hard DSA problems (graphs). |
Day 22 | ✅ Build a quiz app using JavaScript. | ✅ Build a small e-commerce app (React frontend). | ✅ Deploy the cryptocurrency tracker app. |
Day | 1st Year Tasks | 2nd Year Tasks | 3rd Year Tasks |
Day 23-26 | ✅ Build an e-commerce site (JavaScript). | ✅ Build a full-stack e-commerce app (React, Node.js, MongoDB). | ✅ Build a social media app (React, Node.js, MongoDB). |
Day 27-28 | ✅ Solve 15 moderate DSA problems. | ✅ Solve 15 moderate-hard DSA problems. | ✅ Solve 15 hard DSA problems. |
Day 29-30 | ✅ Review & deploy all projects. | ✅ Deploy the app & add documentation. | ✅ Finalize deployment & prepare presentations. |
Year | Projects | DSA Problems |
1st Year | ✅ Portfolio, Weather App, E-commerce Site. | ✅ 50 problems (easy-moderate). |
2nd Year | ✅ Blog App, E-commerce App, Weather App. | ✅ 50 problems (moderate-hard). |
3rd Year | ✅ Expense Tracker, Crypto Tracker, Social Media App. | ✅ 50 problems (hard). |