This repo contains a prototype of Narwhal and Tusk. It supplements the paper Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus.
We propose separating the task of transaction dissemination from transaction ordering, to enable high-performance Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus in a permissioned setting. To this end, we design and evaluate a mempool protocol, Narwhal, specializing in high-throughput reliable dissemination and storage of causal histories of transactions. Narwhal tolerates an asynchronous network and maintains its performance despite failures. We demonstrate that composing Narwhal with a partially synchronous consensus protocol (HotStuff) yields significantly better throughput even in the presence of faults. However, loss of liveness during view-changes can result in high latency. To achieve overall good performance when faults occur we propose Tusk, a zero-message overhead asynchronous consensus protocol embedded within Narwhal. We demonstrate its high performance under a variety of configurations and faults. Further, Narwhal is designed to easily scale-out using multiple workers at each validator, and we demonstrate that there is no foreseeable limit to the throughput we can achieve for consensus, with a few seconds latency.
As a summary of results, on a Wide Area Network (WAN), Hotstuff over Narwhal achieves 170,000 tx/sec with a 2.5-sec latency instead of 1,800 tx/sec with 1-sec latency of Hotstuff. Additional workers increase throughput linearly to 600,000 tx/sec without any latency increase. Tusk achieves 140,000 tx/sec with 4 seconds latency or 20x better than the state-of-the-art asynchronous protocol. Under faults, both Narwhal based protocols maintain high throughput, but the HotStuff variant suffers from slightly higher latency.
The core protocols are written in Rust, but all benchmarking scripts are written in Python and run with Fabric. To deploy and benchmark a testbed of 4 nodes on your local machine, clone the repo and compile it in release mode:
$ git clone
$ cd rust
$ cargo build --release
Then install the Python dependencies:
$ cd ../scripts
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You also need to install Clang (required by rocksdb) and tmux (which runs all nodes and clients in the background). Finally, run a local benchmark using fabric:
$ fab local
This command may take a long time the first time you run it (compiling rust code in release
mode may be slow) and you can customize a number of benchmark parameters in
. When the benchmark terminates, it displays a summary of the execution similarly to the one below.
Committee size: 4 nodes
Number of workers: 1 worker(s) per node
Faults: 0 nodes
Transaction size: 512 B
Max batch size: 1,000 txs
Transaction rate: 60,000 tx/s
Dag Results:
+ Total certified bytes: 799,468,544 B
+ Execution time: 29,646 ms
+ Estimated BPS: 26,967,619 B/s
+ Estimated TPS: 52,671 txs/s
+ Block Latency: 6 ms
+ Client Latency: 93 ms
Consensus Results:
+ Total committed bytes: 786,986,496 B
+ Execution time: 29,542 ms
+ Estimated BPS: 26,639,130 B/s
+ Estimated TPS: 52,030 txs/s
+ Block Latency: 395 ms
+ Client Latency: 482 ms
This software is licensed as Apache 2.0.