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DeepRec Model Zoo

Here is example training code of some public popular models using public dataset. Contained models are as follow:

Model Paper
WDL [DLRS 2016] Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
DLRM [ArXiv 2019] Deep Learning Recommendation Model for Personalization and Recommendation Systems
DSSM [CIKM 2013] Learning Deep Structured Semantic Models for Web Search using Clickthrough Data
DIEN [AAAI 2019] Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
DIN [KDD 2018] Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
DeepFM [IJCAI 2017] DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction
MMOE [KDD 2018] Modeling Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning with Multi-gate Mixture-of-Experts
DBMTL [ArXiv 2019] Deep Bayesian Multi-Target Learning for Recommender Systems
BST [DLP-KDD 2019] Behavior sequence transformer for e-commerce recommendation in Alibaba
ESMM [SIGIR 2018] Entire Space Multi-Task Model: An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate
SimpleMultiTask [ArXiv 2017] An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks
DCN [ADKDD 2017] Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions
DCNv2 [ArXiv 2020] DCN V2: Improved Deep & Cross Network and Practical Lessons for Web-scale Learning to Rank Systems
MaskNet [ArXiv 2021] MaskNet: Introducing Feature-Wise Multiplication to CTR Ranking Models by Instance-Guided Mask
PLE [RecSys 2020] Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE): A Novel Multi-Task Learning (MTL) Model for Personalized Recommendations