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- Create an issue for making any change to code. when issue will be approve you can make a change.
- Pull latest change from upstream branch before starting the changing code.
- Add your file in proper folder(lowercase) with in it. Add requirements.txt if needed.
- Use Flake8 locally for linting Python Code.(We have linting checks so if your code fails it we will not merge the PR.)
pip install flake8
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- π Download Specific Scripts from Here - Download
- Help us to improve script. Report a bug here
Script Name | Author(GitHub username) | Short introduction to program |
send-discord_message | CodePerfectplus | Send Github repo notification to Discord with webhooks |
propenster-scripts | Propenster | This Script gets some system info of the user's device |
scrap_github_repos | CodePerfectplus | Scrap GitHub user repos and save it in csv |
html2pd | hpnightowl | convert website to html with CLI |
sms_sending_script | send sms with python CLI | |
scrap_all_links | oxigen96 | Scrap link from website using Python CLI |
remove_punctuation_number | Remove Punctuation/Number from text file | |
countries_trivia_game | Propenster | Simple trivia quiz game that loads questions and answers from a CSV file |
scrap_all_email | CodePerfectplus | Scrap all email from input website |
jpeg_to_png | CodePerfectplus | Convert image format jpeg_to_png CLI tool |
website_cloner | CodePerfectplus | clone website using python |
alphabet_analyzer | Natsumi H. | Analyze how common each letter is in the English alphabet |
check_weather | roopeshvs | Get The Weather Of Your City using Python CLI |
ebook_to_kindle | roopeshvs | convert Ebook to Kindle format |
downlod_mp3 | parasgupta44 | download mp3 from youtube |
imbd_scanner | ben-jnr | implement title based and user ratings based search |
stackoverflow parse | ParijatDhar97 | Parses SO for your error messages |
sudoku_solver | basscoder2808 | solve sudoku puzzles using backtracking |
word_counter | p014ri5 | count the word |
duplicate_image_remover | p014ri5 | remove deuplicate image from pc |
cartoonify | brtymn | cartoonify input image in python |
email_sending_script | nis130 | email sending automation in pyton |
merge_2_pdfs | uditmore99 | The above script will merge two PDF's at once ! |
video_player | brtymn | video plater with opencv |
encrypt_pdf | AmeyaJain-25 | The code will help to encrypt the PDF with an password. |
pdf_redaction | debdutgoswami | redact a pdf in Python |
word-cloud | saswatamcode | create word-cloud using flask |
Torrent_to_goolge_drive | vaibhav jain | Torrent to Google Drive Downloader with colab |
certificate_generator | alpha037 | certificate automation in python |
internshala_scrapper | techTarun | scrap internship from internshala and save into csv |
png_to_jpeg | hot9cups | convert png image to Jpeg with Pytho-pillow |
auto_wifi_connecter | AmeyaJain-25 | automatically connect to your available WIFI connections |
img-to-text | hot9cups | take a screenshot of the area on your screen, or a screenshot of an image on your screen and fetches the text from the image to the clipboard. |
trailing-whitespace_remover | aaravm4 | python script to remove trailing whitespace from file |
coronaVirus_stats | iamlordutkarsh | get stats of any country about Corona Virus in Python |
torrent_searcher | iamlordutkarsh | Program written in python to get Magnet links |
image2PencilSketch | neel2904 | Change Image to Pencil Sketch |
url-Shortner | shubham5351 | A simple script in python which is used to shorten the url of the given url |
text to Sound | bbetulkaya | Python script for convert text to sound. |
wifi-password-getter | harshit-saraswat | This will help to get any stored wifi connection names and their passwords |
telegram-message | YorozuyaDev | send telegram message using python |
image_text_encryption | YaraYasser | encrypt text and images |
accelerometer-connector | sigdelsanjog | This script retrieves data from a MPU6050 Accelerometer and GY521 Gyroscope and saves the data to gyroscope and accelerometer table in MySQL database. |
snake&Ladder | sidfrombhaiya | This is a simple text based snake and ladder game, with minimal libraries required. |
unfollower-insta | sarthak1905 | bb8 is a cute name for a great bot to check for the people that you follow who don't follow you back on Instagram. |
audioBook | Keyurkariya | Read any PDF book with just few line of code in Audio |
wallpaper-changer | Spoctone | change wallpaper with python script |
gradient-generator | dntandan | This script will generate and save random gradient patterns and will save them as .png extensions on completion, using Pillow module. |
qr-code-convertor | dhiganthrao | This is a simple Python script aimed at converting long or short website URLs into QR codes to be scanned. |
gradient-generator | shubham5351 | Get your specified location in python using CLI. |