- Pro
kemia / kemia
Forked from chemhack/jchemhubJavascript Reaction Editor and Cheminformatics Library
pg-redis-fdw / redis_fdw
Forked from engobi/redis_fdwA PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for Redis
no0p / openlibrary
Forked from jayfajardo/openlibraryRuby Interface for the OpenLibrary API
samsonasu / refinerycms
Forked from refinery/refinerycmsAn extendable Ruby on Rails 'CMS framework' that supports Rails 3
no0p / linguistics
Forked from ged/linguisticsA generic, language-neutral framework for extending Ruby objects with linguistic methods.
han / stalker
Forked from adamwiggins/stalkerA minimalist queueing DSL for Beanstalk.
no0p / octopus
Forked from thiagopradi/octopusDatabase Sharding for ActiveRecord
no0p / tourbus
Forked from dbrady/tourbusWebsite load testing tool in Ruby, with the ability to "unload a busload of tourists" on a website, each with the ability to trace through complex application paths.
A command line tool that analyzes request logfiles (e.g. Rails, Merb, Apache) to produce a performance report.
no0p / amazon-ec2
Forked from grempe/amazon-ec2A Ruby Gem that gives you full access to several of the Amazon Web Services API from your Ruby/Ruby on Rails apps
no0p / turn
Forked from turn-project/turnA new look and feel for Test::Unit output -- Test::Unit Reporter (New)