- Bug fixes
- Ability to build the library using maven
- Update support-v4 library to v21.0.3
- Bug fixes
- OnTabReselectedListener
- Update support-v4 library to v21.0.2
- Bug fixes
- android:textColorPrimary value (from your theme) will be applied automatically to tab's text color , underlineColor, dividerColor and indicatorColor, if any of these values are define in the xml layout.
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Fix issues #7
- Add support for colour state lists.
- Add support for custom text style.
- Add support for custom alpha values.
MinSDK 10
Change the default parameters of the tabs layout to make it look like more material.
The indicator is center by default while swiping tabs and paddingMiddle attr has the possibility to start the tabs in the middle like newsstand google app.
The alpha value of the titles change depending the selected position.
Ability to change the divider width (No material change).
Ability to pass customTabs implementing the interface 'CustomTabProvider' in your adapter.