Before running any of the scripts below, ensure you have built Noble using make build
Start a single validator local Noble network.
sh -r
Start a three validator local Noble network.
Note: this requires tmux.
sh -r
# How to kill:
# `ctr-c` kill 1 out of the three nodes
killall nobled # kill remaining noble nodes
# (`ctrl-b` then `d`) exit out of tmux session
tmux kill-session -t 3v-network # kill tmux session
Synchronize a mainnet (or testnet) node using state sync, then create an in-place-testnet
Note: your noble binary in the build
folder must be compatible with the relevant network.
# -r|--reset - delete chain home folder resetting network
# -t|--testnet - sync testnet instead of mainnet
# -u|--trigger-testnet-upgrade - trigger an upgrade handler to run on the first block of the forked network
# mainnet example:
sh -r
# testnet example:
sh -r -t
# trigger upgrade example:
sh -r -t -u "v9.0.0-rc.0"