gdg-git Public
Repositório de exemplo para apresentação do GDG 31/03/2015
MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2015 -
android-segmented-control Public
Forked from Kaopiz/android-segmented-controlios7 UISegmentedControl for android
Java UpdatedDec 6, 2014 -
ECSlidingViewController Public
Forked from ECSlidingViewController/ECSlidingViewControllerCustomizable sliding view controller container.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 28, 2014 -
iOS-CAAnimation-group-demo Public
Forked from DuncanMC/iOS-CAAnimation-group-demoThis is a demo project that illustrates various Core Animation techniques, focusing on animation sequences created using CAAnimationGroup
Mercury UpdatedSep 26, 2014 -
AGPushNote Public
Forked from avielg/AGPushNoteCustom view for easily displaying in-app push notification that feels like default iOS banners.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2014 -
RNConcurrentBlockOperation Public
Simple NSOperation subclass that allows a block of asynchronous work to be executed in parallel in a NSOperationQueue
CastHelloText-chrome Public
Forked from AVGP/CastHelloText-chromeThis Google Cast demo application shows how to send messages from an Chrome desktop browser to a receiver using a custom namespace.
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 10, 2014 -
CargoBay Public
Forked from segiddins/CargoBayThe Essential StoreKit Companion
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2014 -
appirater Public
Forked from arashpayan/appiraterA utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.
GPUImage Public
Forked from BradLarson/GPUImageAn open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
Objective-C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 18, 2014 -
pixate-ios-less-sass Public
Messing with css precompilers in Pixate Freestyle
CSS MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2014 -
Specs Public
Forked from CocoaPods/SpecsA repository of CocoaPods (cocoapods.org) specifications.
Ruby UpdatedMar 30, 2014 -
PKRevealController Public
Forked from pkluz/PKRevealControllerPKRevealController (ex. ZUUIRevealController) is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.
Objective-C Other UpdatedMar 28, 2014 -
MSPageViewController Public
Forked from mindsnacks/MSPageViewControllerCreate UIPageViewControllers using only storyboards
MSDynamicsDrawerViewController Public
Forked from erichoracek/MSDynamicsDrawerViewControllerContainer view controller that leverages UIKit Dynamics to provide a realistic drawer navigation paradigm.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedFeb 22, 2014 -
protocolblocks Public
Forked from alexeylang/protocolblocksReplacing delegates in iOS with blocks.
RBStoryboardLink Public
Forked from rob-brown/RBStoryboardLinkMakes transitioning between storyboards possible.
Objective-C Other UpdatedSep 30, 2013 -
QuickDialog Public
Forked from escoz/QuickDialogQuickDialog - Quick and easy dialog screens for iOS
Objective-C Other UpdatedSep 19, 2013 -
ViewDeck Public
Forked from ViewDeck/ViewDeckAn implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.
Objective-C UpdatedJun 27, 2013