- @mhdawson
- @mrkmarron
- @mike-kaufman
- @qard
- @ofrobots
- Peter
- This Meeting:
- Previous Meeting:
Extracted from diag-agenda labelled issues and pull requests from the nodejs org prior to the meeting.
Diag WG Deep Dives - topics #168
- @mike-kaufman to schedule deep-dive on async-context formalizations.
Expectation about tier of support from diagnostic tools and VMs #157
- @mhdawson has PR open
- markdown failed CI :(
- Peter wants to add v8 Code Event Listener APIs to the list
- suggestion is to let current PR land and then open a new PR to add this to the list
[async_hooks] stable API - tracking issue #124
- Open PR 21313, eliminates need for destroy callback & significantly improves perf
- this is stalled
- perf is still biggest ?
- @ofrobots: if we want something from v8, we need time to let it land
- need to figure out the story in next 3 months if we want this stable for node 12.
- Open PR 21313, eliminates need for destroy callback & significantly improves perf
Async-context formalization and diagnostics support #107
- PR #197 open, would love feedback
- will schedule a deep-dive
[trace_event] tracking issue #84
- @mhdawson to ping @jasnell for an update here.
- issue needs cleaned up
[Diagnostics "Best Practices" Guide?] #211
- Mike from NodeSource is interested in helping out here.
- There's existing content, just needs some curation & editing
- Also need to interface w/ website team.