- Michael Dawson (@mhdawson)
- Stephen Belanger (@qard)
- Peter Marton (@hekike)
- Matheus
- @ofrobots
- GIreesh Punathil (@gireeshpunathil)
- @mike-kaufman
- @sethbrennith
- @BridgeAR
- This Meeting:
- Previous Meeting:
- Minutes: n/a
- Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gWtJYKbtBfiRRTvm7LDki9kOcYo5wsTSaHI667aa1wI/edit
- You Tube: http://youtu.be/rTr6UF4YII0
Extracted from diag-agenda labelled issues and pull requests from the nodejs org prior to the meeting.
- Support pausing the debugger on script load #24687
- PR open against V8
- need to see the status on that.
Diagnostics WG Summit Agenda -2019-03-07, 2019-03-08 - #276
- Good discussion on filling out detail in agenda
- Some owners assigned to topics
- See doc in issue
Post-mortem debugging support inside V8/Node.js #227
- discussed some during agenda
- 3 different solutions proposed
- call tomorrow w/ interested parties to discuss further
Diagnostics "Best Practices" Guide? - #211
- Gireesh had a meeting
- Minutes form meeting are in pull #271
- should spend time in breakout to dive into more details
[async_hooks] stable API - tracking issue #124
- no update
Diag WG Deep Dives - topics #168
- no update
Expectation about tier of support from diagnostic tools and VMs #157
- no update
Async-context formalization and diagnostics support #107
- call with v8 team happened in December
- Set of next steps identified on how to move forward
- need to close on these next steps, plan to have more detail by Diag summit.
[trace_event] tracking issue #84
- @kjin - looking into using perfetto in node, to align w/ what v8 is using
Network Debug support
- we need to find an owner
- if we can't find someone to drive on this, we'll remove from agenda