( Click here to go to the UVVM overall overview )
The Open Source 'UVVM (Universal VHDL Verification Methodology) - Utility Library', a VHDL testbench infrastructure for making better VHDL testbenches for verification of FPGA. This library is a part of the overall UVVM
UVVM Utility Library (previously Bitvis Utility Library) is a basic VHDL testbench infrastructure that allows a much faster testbench development with a good logging and alert handling mechanism, topped with lots of useful checking procedures - like checking a signal value, stability and change. It also has lots of support for string handling and BFMs, and a simple, but efficient set of functions for random value generation.
The Utility Library is dead easy to use. The extremely low user threshold allows users to be up and running in less than an hour. UVVM is free and open source, and contributions from the community are welcomed (via for instance pull requests).
- The logging procedures can be used directly and simplify the process of reporting progress in a simulation, as well as providing valuable debug information if an error is detected. A flexible verbosity control is available - if you want this.
- The checkers are intelligent so that they give you a mismatch report, and you may select whether you want a positive acknowledge. Alerts may be controlled in many ways - like counting, potentially ignoring and potentially stopping the simulation.
- BFM support, string handling and basic randomisation is also available. This post on LinkedIn will give you some more info on why you should use this library.
UVVM Utility Library is tool and library independent, but it must be compiled with VHDL 2008. See the overall UVVM documentation for prerequisites, license, maintainers, etc.
All documents including powerpoint presentations are available in the uvvm_util/doc directory on GitHub. This is just a fast access link to some interesting info:
- *'Making a simple, structured and efficient VHDL testbench – Step-by-step'* - A brief introduction to making good testbenches - mainly independent of language and library, but using Bitvis Utility Library as an example
- *'UVVM Utility Library Concepts and usage'* - Going into more details of the library
A demo of how to make a simple, but structured testbench is given in the IRQC (simple interrupt controller) example. You can compile the complete DUT, Utility library, required BFMs and the testbench via the provided scripts
Note that a dedicated repository (UVVM_Light)](https://github.com/UVVM/UVVM_Light) has been provided to simplify getting started using Utility Library and BFMs. Here all the code and documentation have been collected in a single directory, and only a single VHDL library is used. The documentation and code are 100% the same as for the full UVVM.
Please use the pull_requests branch for contributions and we will evaluate them for inclusion in our release on the master branch and handle any required verification and documentation.