pip install sphinx sphinx-intl sphinx_rtd_theme
For Linux:
make html
For Windows, use the batch file make.bat:
./make html
Beside, the documentation on autoremove-torrents.readthedocs.io will be updated by Read the Docs service automatically when commits are merged to the master branch. We needn't to update them manually.
First, the documents should be written in English and saved to the folder docs.
When the original texts are completed, use these commands to generate translation files:
sphinx-build -b gettext . _build/gettext sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l zh_CN
And then, update the translation texts by editing the *.po files in locales/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES.
The translation is done when all of the msgstr fields are filled. You can compile the simplified-chinese documents by the following command, to check the results:
sphinx-build -b html -D language=zh_CN . _build/html/zh_CN