Very light library for translation and localization in Node.js
and the browser 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇷🇺 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🎭
- 🚀 No dependencies (only 2KB gziped)
- 👯 Translation and localization
- 🎁 Interpolation of values to translations
- 🐧 Detect user language in browser and in server requests
- 📣 Events when locale was changed and translation isn't found
- 🗿 Easy scope system (nested-object translations)
- 🎰 A lot of examples
You can install library from npm:
npm install localizify --save
# or using yarn
yarn add localizify
or download file (full version or minify bundle) from dist
folder and add the script to the page (only for browsers):
<script src="/path/to/localizy.min.js"></script>
localizify returns instance of Localizify
, so it's singelton. You can add translations in one module and use it in another (but you can get Localizify
from localizify.Instance
First of all you need add locales with translations and set locale by default:
const localizify = require('localizify');
const en = require('../messages/en.json');
const fr = require('../messages/fr.json');
.add('en', en)
.add('fr', fr)
# en.json
"hello world": "Hello world!",
"how are you, {name}?": "How are you, {name}?"
# fr.json
"hello world": "Bonjour tout le monde!",
"how are you, {name}?": "Сomment êtes-vous, {name}?"
You can't set unknown locale (without translations):
const localizify = require('localizify');
localizify.getLocale('en'); // en, because 'es' is unknown locale
// to check that it's available locale
localizify.isLocate('es'); // false
localizify.isLocate('en'); // true
Now for get translition by key you can use localizify.translate(key)
or localizify.t(key)
const { t } = require('localizify');
t('hello world'); // Hello world!
t('hello, {username}', { username: 'Alexander Morgunov' }); // hello, Alexander Morgunov
t('how are you, {name}', { name: 'Sasha' }) // How are you, Sasha?
// if we haven't translition, return default message
t('hello, {username}', { username: 'Alexander Morgunov' }); // hello, Alexander Morgunov
// if have
t('hello world'); // Bonjour tout le monde!
t('how are you, {name}', { name: 'Sasha' }) // Сomment êtes-vous, Sasha?
If locale don't contain appropriate translition, return source interpolated key (key may be equal message) and emit event.
Translation data is organized as a nested object using the top-level key as namespace (scope or context):
"bot" : {
"startagain": "reset system",
"turn_off": "Bot was turned off by {name}.",
"turn_on": "Bot was turn on!",
"statuses": {
"active": "Active",
"remote": "Remote"
"web": {
"go_to_messenger": "Go to messenger",
"sign_up": "Registration"
The key argument can be a dot-separated key. See examples below:
t('bot.turn_off', { name: 'Alex' }); // Bot was turned off by Alex.
t(''); // Active
t('web.sign_up'); // Registration
The scope
(namespace) option can be either a single key or a dot-separated key. You can combinate keys and scopes as you wish:
t('turn_off', { name: 'Alex', scope: 'bot' }); // Bot was turned off by Alex.
t('', { scope: 'bot' }); // Active
t('active', { scope: 'bot.statuses' }); // Active
When translation is missing, localizify emit an event about it. You can listen it:
localizify.onTranslationNotFound((locale, key, scope) => {});
The setLocale
method emits an event you can listen to:
localizify.onLocaleChange((locale, previous) => {});
You can set scope for your module by default:
t('go_to_messenger'); // Go to messenger
t('sign_up'); // Registration
localizify.clearDefaultScope(); // clear default scope
You can add translations for certain scope:
localizify.add('en', 'bot', { 'hello': "hello, bot" });
You can register default interpolations using the registerInterpolations
method. Interpolations you give as options to the translate method take precedence over registered interpolations.
localizify.add('en', {
my_awesome_namespace: {
greeting: 'Hello {name} in {app_name}!'
localizify.registerInterpolations({ app_name: 'My Awesome App' });
t('my_awesome_namespace.greeting', { name: 'Alex' }); // Hello Alex in My Awesome App!
t('my_awesome_namespace.greeting', { name: 'Alex', app_name: 'The Bar App' }); // Hello Alex in The Bar App!
But default returns instance of Localizify, so it's singelton. You can add translations in one module and use it in another. But you can create another Localizify instance.
Get selected locale.
Change or set locale. If locales list includes passed locale and it's not set now, set locale or emit event CHANGE_LOCALE
. Return this
for chaining.
Check that locale is registered
Add handler which will be exucated when locale change.
Add handler which will be exucated when translation is not found.
Register default interpolations. Interpolations you give as options to the translate method take precedence over registered interpolations.
Register new locale. If scope is provided, translations will be third argument, otherwise - second.
Define user's language by browser or by request header language. language
params should be passed from server headers (request.headers['accept-language']
). In client-size this param is optional (usually not using at all).
Translate by key! If translation not found, return passed string with replacing data to string and emit TRANSLATION_NOT_FOUND
localizify can work together with express. First of all add middleware to switch locale on request:
const localizify = require('localizify');
app.configure(() => {
// ...
app.use((request, response, next) => {
const lang = localizify.detectLocale(request.headers['accept-language']) || "en";
// ...
And export translate function as static helpers
// ...
translate: localizify.translate,
localizify can work together with hapi.js too.
Create new plugin which add middleware to set locale on current request
const localizify = require('localizify');
exports.register = (server, options, next) => {
server.ext('onRequest', (request, reply) => {
const language = localizify.detectLocale(request.headers['accept-language']) || 'en';
return reply.continue();
Register plugin:
You can see example in spring-mvc-react example repository.
First, create a language switcher component:
import React from 'react';
import localizify, { t } from 'localizify';
const LanguageSwitcher = React.createClass({
getClass(locale) {
return localizify.getLocale() === locale ? 'active' : '';
onChangeLocale(event) {
const element =;
if (element.className !== 'active') {
const locale = element.textContent.toLowerCase();
localStorage.locale = locale;
location.reload(); // reload page
render() {
return (
<span onClick={this.onChangeLocale} className={this.getClass('en')}>EN</span>
<span onClick={this.onChangeLocale} className={this.getClass('fr')}>FR</span>
export default LanguageSwitcher;
Set locale in init appication file:
import localizify from 'localizify';
// load messages (e.g. usign webpack and json-loader)
import en from './messages/en.json';
import fr from './messages/fr.json';
const locale = localStorage.locale || localizify.detectLocale() || 'en';
.add('en', en)
.add('fr', fr)
And using in any component:
import { t } from 'localizify';
import React from 'react';
import LanguageSwitcher from './language-switcher';
var Component = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
{t('hello world')}
<LanguageSwitcher />
export default Component;