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Scalaz module for PureConfig

Adds support for selected scalaz data structures to PureConfig, provides instances of scalaz type classes for ConfigReader, ConfigReaderFailures, ConfigWriter and ConfigConvert and some syntactic sugar for pureconfig classes.

Add pureconfig-scalaz to your project

In addition to core pureconfig, you'll need:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig-scalaz" % "0.17.4"


Reading scalaz data structures from a config

The following scalaz data structures are supported:

  • IList, ISet, Maybe, NonEmptyList and ==>>
  • Order[A] should also be in scope, when you're relying on either ConfigReader[A ==>> B] or ConfigReader[ISet[A]]. For example, if your ISet instance contains String values then Order[String] can be imported via scalaz.std.string._

Here is an usage example:

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseString
import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.module.scalaz._
import scalaz.{==>>, IList, ISet, Maybe, NonEmptyList}
import scalaz.std.anyVal.intInstance
import scalaz.std.string._

case class ScalazConfig(
  numberLst: IList[Int],
  numberSet: ISet[Int],
  numberNel: NonEmptyList[Int],
  numberMap: String ==>> Int,
  numberMaybe: Maybe[Int]

We can read a ScalazConfig like:

val scalazConf = parseString("""{
  number-lst: [1,2,3],
  number-set: [1,2,3],
  number-nel: [1,2,3],
  number-map { "one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3 },
  number-maybe: 1
// scalazConf: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"number-lst":[1,2,3],"number-map":{"one":1,"three":3,"two":2},"number-maybe":1,"number-nel":[1,2,3],"number-set":[1,2,3]}))

// res0: ConfigReader.Result[ScalazConfig] = Right(
//   ScalazConfig(
//     ICons(1, ICons(2, ICons(3, []))),
//     Bin(2, Bin(1, Tip(), Tip()), Bin(3, Tip(), Tip())),
//     NonEmpty[1,2,3],
//     Bin("three", 3, Bin("one", 1, Tip(), Tip()), Bin("two", 2, Tip(), Tip())),
//     Just(1)
//   )
// )

Using scalaz type class instances for readers

In order to put in scope scalaz type classes for our readers and extend them with the extra operations provided by scalaz, we need some extra imports:

import pureconfig.module.scalaz.instances._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Scalaz._

We are now ready to use the new syntax:

case class SimpleConfig(i: Int)

// a reader that always returns SimpleConfig(42)
val constReader = SimpleConfig(42).point[ConfigReader]

// a reader that returns SimpleConfig(-1) if an error occurs
val safeReader = ConfigReader[SimpleConfig].handleError(_ => SimpleConfig(-1).point[ConfigReader])

And we can finally put them to use:

val validConf = parseString("""{ i: 1 }""")
// validConf: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"i":1}))

val invalidConf = parseString("""{ s: "abc" }""")
// invalidConf: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"s":"abc"}))

// res1: ConfigReader.Result[SimpleConfig] = Right(SimpleConfig(42))

// res2: ConfigReader.Result[SimpleConfig] = Right(SimpleConfig(42))

// res3: ConfigReader.Result[SimpleConfig] = Right(SimpleConfig(1))

// res4: ConfigReader.Result[SimpleConfig] = Right(SimpleConfig(-1))

In case there's a necessity to parse multiple configs and accumulate errors, you could leverage from Semigroup instance for ConfigReaderFailures:

val anotherInvalidConf = parseString("""{ i: false }""")
// anotherInvalidConf: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({"i":false}))

List(validConf, invalidConf, anotherInvalidConf).traverse { c =>
// res5: Validation[error.ConfigReaderFailures, List[SimpleConfig]] = Failure(
//   ConfigReaderFailures(
//     ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound("i", Set()), Some(ConfigOrigin(String)), ""),
//     ArrayBuffer(
//       ConvertFailure(
//         WrongType(BOOLEAN, Set(NUMBER)),
//         Some(ConfigOrigin(String)),
//         "i"
//       )
//     )
//   )
// )

Extra syntactic sugar

We can provide some useful extension methods by importing:

import pureconfig.module.scalaz.syntax._

For example, you can easily convert a ConfigReaderFailures to a NonEmptyList[ConfigReaderFailure]:

case class MyConfig(i: Int, s: String)
val myConf = parseString("{}")
// myConf: com.typesafe.config.Config = Config(SimpleConfigObject({}))

val res = ConfigSource.fromConfig(myConf).load[MyConfig]
// res: Either[NonEmptyList[error.ConfigReaderFailure], MyConfig] = Left(
//   NonEmpty[ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound(i,Set()),Some(ConfigOrigin(String)),),ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound(s,Set()),Some(ConfigOrigin(String)),)]
// )

This allows scalaz users to easily convert a result of a ConfigReader into a ValidatedNel:

import scalaz.{ Validation, ValidationNel }
import pureconfig.error._
val result: ValidationNel[ConfigReaderFailure, MyConfig] =
// result: ValidationNel[ConfigReaderFailure, MyConfig] = Failure(
//   NonEmpty[ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound(i,Set()),Some(ConfigOrigin(String)),),ConvertFailure(KeyNotFound(s,Set()),Some(ConfigOrigin(String)),)]
// )

Also, you could create ConfigReaders using scalaz types:

case class Tweet(msg: String)

val tweetReader: ConfigReader[Tweet] = ConfigReader.fromNonEmptyStringDisjunction { s =>
  if (s.length <= 140) Tweet(s).right
  else (new FailureReason { def description: String = "Too long to be a tweet!" }).left