- This dataset contains a large collection of clean speech files and variety of environmental noise files in .wav format sampled at 16 kHz.
- The main application of this dataset is to train Deep Neural Network (DNN) models to suppress background noise. But it can be used for other audio and speech applications.
- We provide the recipe to mix clean speech and noise at various signal to noise ratio (SNR) conditions to generate large noisy speech dataset.
- The SNR conditions and the number of hours of data required can be configured depending on the application requirements.
- This dataset will continue to grow in size as we encourage researchers and practitioners to contribute to this dataset by adding more clean speech and noise clips.
- This dataset will immensely help researchers and practitioners in accadamia and industry to develop better models.
- We also provide test set that is different from training set to evaluate the developed models. Further details of this dataset can be found in our Interspeech 2019 [paper](link to paper)
- Python 3.0 and above
- pysoundfile (pip install pysoundfile)
- ($ pip install -r requirements.txt)
[A scalable noisy speech dataset and online subjective test framework](link to the paper)
- Clean Speech data for training is present in the directory 'CleanSpeech'
- Noise data for training is present in the directory 'Noise'
- Noisy Speech for testing is present in the directory 'noisy_test'
- Clean Speech corresponding to noisy speech test data is present in the directory 'clean_test' Download the data onto your local machine.
- Clone the repo to your local directory
- Download clean speech and noise datasets into the same directory with scripts
- The repo contains the following files:
- 'audiolib.py'
- 'noisyspeech_synthesizer.cfg'
- 'noisyspeech_synthesizer.py'
- 'requirements.txt'
- Specify your requirements in the config file (noisyspeech_synthesizer.cfg)
- Specify sampling rate, audio format, audio length, silence length, total number of hours of noisy speech required and Speech to Noise Ratio (SNR) levels required.
- Specify noise files to be excluded. Example: noise_types_excluded: Babble, Traffic. 'None' of no files to be excluded.
- Specify the path to noise and speech directories if it is not in the same directory as scripts.
- Noisy speech and the corresponding clean speech and noise files will be in the directories 'NoisySpeech_training', 'CleanSpeech_training' and 'Noise_training' respectively.
- Make sure that the config file is in the same directory as (noisyspeech_synthesizer.py) for ease of use.
- Now run (python noisyspeech_synthesizer.py) to generate noisy speech clips.