This sample app publishes messages to Google Cloud Pub/Sub or updates device states using the HTTP bridge provided as part of Google Cloud IoT Core.
Note that before you can run this sample, you must register a device as described in the parent README.
Run the following command to install the library dependencies for NodeJS:
npm install
The following command summarizes the sample usage:
Usage: cloudiot_http_example_nodejs [options]
Example Google Cloud IoT Core HTTP device connection code.
-h, --help output usage information
--projectId <projectId> GCP cloud project name.
--registryId <registryId> Cloud IoT Core registry id.
--deviceId <deviceId> Cloud IoT Core device id.
--privateKeyFile <key_file> Path to private key file.
--algorithm <algorithm> Encryption algorithm to generate the JWT.
Either RS256 (RSA) or ES256 (Eliptic Curve)
--cloudRegion [region] GCP cloud region (e.g. us-central1, europe-west1)
--numMessages [num] Number of messages to publish.
--tokenExpMins [num] Minutes to JWT token expiration.
--httpBridgeAddress [address] HTTP bridge address.
--messageType [events|state] The message type to publish.
For example, if your project ID is blue-jet-123
, your region is
asia-east1, and you have generated your credentials using the shell script
provided in the parent folder, you can run the sample as:
node cloudiot_http_example.js \
--cloudRegion=asia-east1 \
--projectId=blue-jet-123 \
--registryId=my-registry \
--deviceId=my-node-device \
--privateKeyFile=../rsa_private.pem \
Create a subscription to your topic.
gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create
--topic device-events -
Read messages published to the topic
gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack